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Speedscope in VSCode

VSCode extension for viewing Speedscope flamegraphs.

Why not just use the Speedscope app?

With this extension you can open Speedscope compatible files directly from VSCode and jump to the source code locations of the profiled functions.


Install from VSCode marketplace




This extension extends speedscope to be viewable from VSCode.

  • Right click particular file in VSCode File Explorer
  • Select "Open with..."
  • Select "Speedscope"

Support opening remote files

  • Use "Open with..." from VSCode File Explorer just like a local file

Open a Speedscope view with command: speedscope-in-vscode.openSpeedscope

From a Speedscope view jump to profiled source file locations

  • Ctrl + click (Command + click on MacOS) on a colored block to open the associated file
  • Or click link to a file in the stack detail view

(if relative path assume it is relative to the file being viewed)


  • Only files can be opened at the moment. Allow directories as inputs to support opening Instruments traces.

Build from source

# Build deps
npm install
npm run build-external-deps
# Build extension
npx vsce package


See for development and implementation details.