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Become a sponsor to trbs




Any sponsorship will go towards being able to spend more time on my various Open Source projects.

Most notably is django-extensions/django-extensions but there are others as well that deserve more attention like pid or rfc3161ng.

If you enjoy my work or benefit from it in any way and feel like you want to give back, then please consider becoming a sponsor.


Reaching this goal will allow me to work on Open Source projects full time.

Current sponsors 1

Past sponsors 4
Private Sponsor

Featured work

  1. trbs/bucky

    UDP frontend to Graphite

    Python 236
  2. trbs/pid

    Pidfile featuring stale detection and file-locking, can also be used as context-manager or decorator

    Python 102
  3. trbs/fallocate

    Module to expose posix_fallocate(3), posix_fadvise(3) and fallocate(2)

    Python 28
  4. trbs/rfc3161ng

    A simple client library for cryptographic timestamping service implementing the protocol from RFC3161. Based on python-rfc3161 with some additional fixes.

    Python 40
  5. trbs/statuscake

    Python API for StatusCake

    Python 10

1% towards 10000 monthly sponsors goal


codecov sponsors this goal

Select a tier

$ one time

Choose a custom amount.

$100 one time


Show your appreciation and reward my work.
Allows to direct efforts to fix a small bug or review a (simple) merge request.

$500 one time


Help steer efforts and give back to the project.
Allows to spend up to a day on an enhancement, bug, refactoring or merge request or spend up to 2 hours help in your environment or project.

$1,500 one time


Scratch your itch, helps the project spend significant time on improvements.
Allows to works on a larger issue (or issues) of your choosing or spend up to 6 hours debugging a specific problem in your environment.

$5,000 one time


Donate towards larger goals or just to ensure continued support of projects.
Allows me to work on large(r) efforts such as refactoring, nasty bugs, complex features or simply spend more time getting debugging a specific problem, training people or reviewing projects and architecture.

$12,000 one time


Either you really really love my work or require something like on-site assistance this tier might be for you. Contact me for more information.