Read more:
V. Spiwok & P. Kříž: Time-lagged t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (t-SNE) of molecular simulation trajectories. Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences 7, 132 (2020).
Time-lagged t-SNE of molecular trajectories.
Vojtech Spiwok and Pavel Kriz
Trajectory of molecular simulation is dimensionally reduced by t-distributed stochastic embedding (t-SNE) [1] and by a version of t-SNE that focuses on slow motions via analysis inspired by time-lagged independent component analysis (TICA) [2,3].
The input is a trajectory in pdb, xtc, trr, dcd, netcdf or mdcrd (only atoms intended for analysis). The second input file is a topology (pdb file with same atoms as in trajectory). Output contains frame ID, PCA, TICA, t-SNE and time-lagged t-SNE coordinates.
usage: tltsne [-h] [-i INFILE] [-p INTOP] [-o OUTFILE] [-nofit NOFIT]
[-lagtime LAGTIME] [-pcadim PCADIM] [-ticadim TICADIM]
[-maxpcs MAXPCS] [-ncomp NCOMP] [-perplex1 PERPLEX1]
[-perplex2 PERPLEX2] [-rate RATE] [-niter NITER] [-exag EXAG]
Time-lagged t-SNE of simulation trajectories, requires scimpy, pyemma, sklearn
and mdtraj
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INFILE Input trajectory in pdb, xtc, trr, dcd, netcdf or mdcrd
of atoms to be analyzed. No jumps in PBC allowed.
-p INTOP Input topology in pdb with atoms to be analyzed.
-o OUTFILE Output file.
-nofit NOFIT Structure is NOT fit to reference topology if nofit is
set to 1 (default 0).
-lagtime LAGTIME Lag time in number of frames (default 1).
-pcadim PCADIM Number o PCA coordinates to be printed (defaut 2).
-ticadim TICADIM Number o TICA coordinates to be printed (defaut 2).
-maxpcs MAXPCS Number of TICA coordinates to be passed to t-SNE
(default 50).
-ncomp NCOMP Number of t-SNE and time-lagged t-SNE coordinates to be
printed (defaut 2).
-perplex1 PERPLEX1 Perplexity of t-SNE (default 10.0).
-perplex2 PERPLEX2 Perplexity of time-lagged t-SNE (default 10.0).
-rate RATE Learnning rate of t-SNE and time-lagged t-SNE (default
-niter NITER Number of iterations of t-SNE and time-lagged t-SNE
(default 1000).
-exag EXAG Early exaggeration of t-SNE and time-lagged t-SNE.
Install via PIP:
pip3 install tltsne
(or with sudo
Install from GitHub:
git clone
cd tltsne
pip3 install .
(or with sudo
L.J.P. van der Maaten, G.E. Hinton. Visualizing High-Dimensional Data Using t-SNE. J. Mach. Learn. Res. 2008, 9, 2579-2605.
G. Perez-Hernandez, F. Paul, T. Giorgino, G. de Fabritiis, F. Noé: Identification of slow molecular order parameters for Markov model construction. J. Chem. Phys. 2013, 139, 015102.
C. R. Schwantes and V. S. Pande: Improvements in Markov state model construction reveal many non-native interactions in the folding of NTL9. J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2013, 9, 2000-2009.