Predict the stock market with accurate machine learning models.
Kobra Stocks is a web-based application designed to predict the movement of stock prices. By entering a stock ticker into the search bar, users can view the graph, data, and price prediction of the searched stock. Predictions consist of whether the stock price is likely to move up or down, alongside the accuracy of the model's prediction.
Stock Search: Allows users to enter the stock ticker symbol to visit the stock's page with financial data and predictions. Selectable Indicators: Users can choose various financial indicators that aid for a personalized machine learning model. Visualization: Using Matplotlib for generating a detailed graph representing the history of the stock's price, and plots the selected indicators. Data Insights: Presents key data points related to the stock's performance and predicts the future price trend. Personalized Stock Portfolio Analysis: Add stocks to your portfolio and AI will analyze it for you. Crypto Watcher: Watch Hot cryptos and add them to your favorites. Stock Market News: Receive the latest news regarding the stock market.
Technologies Used
Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript Backend: Python Flask APIs: Yahoo Finance Machine Learning: Scikit-Learn