Releases: spatie/laravel-queueable-action
Releases · spatie/laravel-queueable-action
What's Changed
- Allow CI Test to Run on Pull Requests by @njoguamos in #94
- Laravel 11.x Compatibility by @laravel-shift in #103
Full Changelog: 2.14.10...2.15.0
What's Changed
- Add Laravel 10.x Compatibility by @njoguamos in #93
New Contributors
- @njoguamos made their first contribution in #93
Full Changelog: 2.14.9...2.14.10
What's Changed
- Add PHP 8.2 Support by @patinthehat in #87
- Convert all tests to pest by @alexmanase in #89
- Added retryUntil to $queueableProperties by @pawonpawon in #92
New Contributors
- @patinthehat made their first contribution in #87
- @alexmanase made their first contribution in #89
- @pawonpawon made their first contribution in #92
Full Changelog: 2.14.8...2.14.9
What's Changed
- Remove __sleep & __wakeup from ActionJob by @BertvanHoekelen in #85
New Contributors
- @BertvanHoekelen made their first contribution in #85
Full Changelog: 2.14.7...2.14.8
What's Changed
- Pass the Actions ClassName when Action called directly by @ejntaylor in #82
Full Changelog: 2.14.6...2.14.7
What's Changed
- Fix default tag test by @rogervila in #80
- Access model properties in ActionJob by @ejntaylor in #81
New Contributors
- @ejntaylor made their first contribution in #81
Full Changelog: 2.14.5...2.14.6
What's Changed
- Update .gitattributes by @angeljqv in #74
- Ignore .php-cs-fixer.cache by @erikn69 in #75
- Default Action Tags by @rogervila in #77
New Contributors
- @angeljqv made their first contribution in #74
- @erikn69 made their first contribution in #75
- @rogervila made their first contribution in #77
Full Changelog: 2.14.3...2.14.4
What's Changed
- add maxExceptions to properties by @sjd-stampede in #69
New Contributors
- @sjd-stampede made their first contribution in #69
Full Changelog: 2.14.1...2.14.2