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Create a Color Scheme

soulhotel edited this page Dec 13, 2024 · 5 revisions

A Detailed Guide to creating Color Schemes of FF Ultima. (with pictures)

It's recommended to use the Browser Toolbox (for live editing & debugging)

So you want to create a color scheme?

First decide if it's going to be a dark mode theme or light mode theme. Then name your Color Scheme:

  • dark
  • Dracula

Example: a Dark Mode theme, named Dracula.

With this, we will first enable the theme, then create it in real-time. Change Dracula to whatever name you want.

Enabling the Color Scheme

  1. open > chrome/user.js
    • at the top, you will see the 'color schemes' section.
    • enter your theme into the list.
    • user_pref("user.theme.dark.dracula", true);
    • this will enter your theme into the about:config page.
(Click me) 🖼️ Preview of the list format


  1. open > chrome/themes/all-color-schemes.css
    • enter your theme into the list.
    • @import url('all-global-theme-dracula.css') (-moz-bool-pref: "user.theme.dark.dracula");
    • this will take your theme file, and apply it to the browser when enabled.
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  1. custom new tab page wallpaper
    • name your background after the theme: dracula.png (jpg,etc)
    • put the background in chrome/theme/pic/dracula.png
    • open > chrome/themes/all-color-schemes-wallpapers.css
    • enter your theme into the list.
    • if you have no background, use any background in the chrome/theme/pic/ folder.
(Click me) 🖼️ Preview of the list format


Making the Theme

  • To make a color scheme you need to make all-global-theme.dracula.css
  • Luckily for you, this is already taken care of.
  • open > chrome/theme folder
  • Make a copy of all-global-theme-catppuccin.css (for dark mode)
  • Or make a copy of all-global-theme-gruvbox-l.css (for light mode)
  • It doesn't matter which foundation you pick, just make sure to copy a dark theme if making dark, light if light.
  • Rename the copy > all-global-theme-dracula.css
  • Line 18 to line 55 - are all of the colors that make the color-scheme.
  • Choose your colors.
  • Line 63 to 115 - are variables you can use to fine-tune elements effected by the colors above.
  • You only need to edit lines 18-55.
  • But the freedom is yours to create a Theme however you want it.
  • To see and use your theme, you still need to enable it in about:config.
  • So, restart firefox.
  • Go to about:config > and type in your theme: user.theme.dark.dracula
  • Press the + Plus button. To enable it.

Using the Browser Toolbox to see & edit your Color Scheme in real-time.

In this tutorial I'm editting the catppuccin theme, but the same applies to your custom theme.

  • Open the browser toolbox (live debugger) with ctrl+shift+alt+I.
  • On the right side (css properties) you'll notice at the very top, all of the -uc-etc variables in one place.
  • These are the variables from line 18-55, all the colors used to create the catppuccin theme. :)
  • Try changing --uc-ultima-window to red, or rgb(255,0,0). You'll notice the browser window is now red.
  • Make your edits, see the results, and carry them over to the your theme file. (easier method below)


Using the Browser Toolbox - An even better way.

  • Open the browser toolbox (live debugger) with ctrl+shift+alt+I
  • At the top you will see tabs, by default you will be on the Inspector tab.
  • Switch to the Style Editor tab.
  • Use the search bar to find your theme all-global-theme-dracula.css.
  • Just like above, you can edit the colors here and see the results live.
  • Pressing ctrl+s after making changes, will save the changes straight to the file!
  • This means you don't have to copy and paste your changes back and forth.


Finalizing your Color Scheme.

Now that you have your New Shiny Theme, you can switch between the theme and others anytime in about:config

Note: If you would like your theme to be included in future updates of FF ULTIMA you can share it through the github. You would then be considered a Contributor to 'FF ULTIMA' by providing an alternate Style to many other Users of the theme. And Your Color Scheme will be easily enabled and kept updated with future versions of FF ULTIMA.

To share your theme, you can submit a pull request (recommended) or open an issue, with the editted files. See also: Color Scheme Presentation. This folder can be seen as a template - for presenting your theme to Users. You can also creditting yourself, and perhaps providing additional details if necessary.

With that said, I'll take care of the rest. Best regards, Soul Hotel.