============= STEPS TO RUN =============
run :
- npm install (to install all development dependencies)
- bower install (to install all the frontend dependencies)
- node server
test : 1] bundle // webpack will be used
=============== GENERAL NOMENCLATURE FOR FRONTEND===============
- All controllers must be enclosed in an IIFE with 'window' object passed as an argument
- 'use strict' mode in every js file
- All variable names should be written as camelCase.
- Modularized design pattern to be followed for angularJS
- Main module lists all its dependencies in its definition
- Each module has a folder with 'index.js' file containing definition of that module and their dependencies
- Each module folder has sub-folders for directives, controllers, services etc. containing 'index.js' each with definition of that sub-module
- All the API interactions will be done using services.
============== NAMING CONVENTION FOR FRONTEND ====================
- Each controller will be names as <module_name>-<specific_partial_functionality>-controller.js (Same applies for directives, services etc.) Eg: For profile module with search functionality, the name of the controller will be profile-search-controller.js
- Same naming convention applies to HTML partials. In the above case the partial name will be profile-search-partial.html