Compendium is a seq2seq abstractive text symmetrization model based on GRU encoder decoder with attention mechanism.
Files and there uses are listed below
Data -> Folder used for train and test data storage
helper -> Contains helper functions used in model.ipynb.
brain -> Contains trained RNN Model.
Data Clean.ipnb -> Ipython Notbook for cleaning and splitting data into train, val and test.
model.ipynb -> Ipython Notebook for training andd testing model.
requirement -> txt file containg required lib
Python : 3.X
Steps for installation?
- Download venv
pip3 install virtualenv
- Clone
git clone
- Change directory
cd compendium
- Create and activate virtual environment
pip3 venv env
. env\bin\activate
- Install required library
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Install spacy english model
python3 -m spacy download en
- Copy brain file
cp <your barin file path> ./application/model/brain
- Run Flask server
The testing accuracy and loss are,
Test Loss : 2.23
Test PPE : 10.87
We do provide trained model, just let us know. you can get trained model from here . Save the provideed file in brain dir to load and run.
Pull requests are welcome. If have an idea please let me know through an issue. For contribution please raise pull requests by,
Clone Repo
git clone
Install Dependencies
pip3 install requirements.txt
Verify your changes
Feel free to raise an issue to correct errors or contribute content without a pull request.