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Constraint Variables

Stephen Oney edited this page Dec 29, 2013 · 8 revisions

ConstraintJS relies on constraint variables —-- small wrappers around regular JavaScript objects that allow constraints to be added to them. Any JavaScript object or widget can be turned into a constraint variable using the cjs.constraint function. For example:

var x = cjs.constraint(1); // x <- 1

Creates x, a constraint variable whose value is 1. .get() fetches the value of a constrainable variable and .set(value) sets its value:

x.get();  // = 1
x.set(2); // x <- 2
x.get();  // = 2

Dynamically computed variables can be created by passing a function as the parameter:

var y = cjs.constraint(function() {
    return x.get() + 1;   // y <- x + 1
x.get();  // = 2
y.get();  // = 3
x.set(9); // x <- 9
y.get();  // = 10

##Variable Modifiers Constrainable variables also have several built-in utility methods to create new dependent variables. For instance, the declaration of y above may seem cumbersome but the same thing can be achieved with:

y = x.add(1);  // y <- x + 1

In this case, .add() is a built-in function that creates a new constraint variable. Other built-in functions include:

  • .add(...) — take the sum
  • .sub(...) — take the difference
  • .mul(...) — take the product
  • .div(...) — take the quotient
  • .or(...args) — Returns the first truthy value in the array [this].concat(args) or `false
  • .and(...args) — Returns the last value in the array [this].concat(args) if every value is truthy. Otherwise, returns false.
  • .eq(...) — returns if the constraint variable == x
  • .eqStrict(x) — returns if the constraint variable === x
  • .gt(x) — returns if the constraint variable > x
  • .ge(x) — returns if the constraint variable >= x
  • .lt(x) — returns if the constraint variable < x
  • .le(x) — returns if the constraint variable <= x
  • .round() — rounds the constraint variable to the nearest integer
  • .sin() — returns Math.sin(this)

For a full list of modifier functions, see the cjs.Constraint API docs.

Next: ConstraintJS Internals

[Previous: Using ConstraintJS](Using ConstraintJS)

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