Shush is a secret manager which allows writing and syncronisation between
providers. It is similar to rclone in that it is designed to work with a number
of backends. The project is split into two distinct areas, storage
and cache
providers. It also provides Go helpers to load in secrets to a
given struct using struct tags, or via specific ENV variables.
Currently the only supported storage backend is AWS SSM Parameter Store w/ KMS. The only supported cache store is the local keychain.
New providers and contributions to the existing providers are greatly appreciated. There is a standard interface which should cover most use cases and should be relatively simple to add new providers.
The config file should live at ~/.shush/config.yml
. Here is a basic example
for AWS PMS+KMS and Keychain cache:
type: pmskms
keyId: 0a000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 # your KMS key ID
awsProfile: my_aws_profile
awsRegion: eu-west-1
type: keychain
securityClass: internet
service: my-app
- dev
- production
- qa
- infra
You can specify additional profiles and use them at runtime using
. For example -p prod
To set a secret:
shush set <key> <value>
To get a secret:
shush get <key>
To sync secrets from the storage provider to the cache:
shush sync
Go example for AWS PMS KMS and Keychain, loading secrets into structs:
type MyConfig struct {
SomeSecret string `shush:"my-dev-env.some-secret"`
func main() {
// create storage and cache providers
storageProvider := storage.NewPMSKMS(awsSession, "your-kms-key-id-here")
cacheProvider := cache.NewKeychain(keychain.SecClassGenericPassword, "example-app", "com.example-app.secrets")
// create a new shush session
ssh := shush.NewSession(storageProvider, cacheProvider, shush.UpsertVersionReplaceDifferent)
// unmarshal your config
conf := MyConfig{}
err = ssh.UnmarshalContext(ctx, &ex)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println(conf.SomeSecret) // plaintext value
Shush provides a way of using an environment variable to describe which key to fetch to circumvent specifying secrets directly on an environment variable in an unsafe manner.
For example:
export MY_SECRET=shush://
Then to retrieve:
func main() {
// create storage and cache providers
storageProvider := storage.NewPMSKMS(awsSession, "your-kms-key-id-here")
cacheProvider := cache.NewKeychain(keychain.SecClassGenericPassword, "example-app", "com.example-app.secrets")
// create a new shush session
ssh := shush.NewSession(storageProvider, cacheProvider, shush.UpsertVersionReplaceDifferent)
mySecret, err := ssh.GetenvContext(ctx, "MY_SECRET")
if err != nil {
log.Println(mySecret) // plaintext value