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Create DMG installers for your electron apps using appdmg.


This module requires using macOS and Node 12 (LTS) or above.


For use in npm scripts:

npm i electron-installer-dmg --save-dev

For use from cli:

npm i electron-installer-dmg -g


Usage: electron-installer-dmg <path/to/.app> <appname>

Create DMG installers for your electron apps.

  electron-installer-dmg ./FooBar-darwin-x64/ FooBar

  --out=<path>         The directory to put the DMG into. [Default: `process.cwd()`].
  --icon=<path>        Path to the icon file that will be the app icon in the DMG window.
  --icon-size=<px>     How big to make the icon for the app in the DMG. [Default: `80`].
  --background=<path>  Path to a PNG image to use as the background of the DMG. [Size: 658 x 498]
  --title=<string>     The title of the produced DMG, which will be shown when mounted.
  --debug              Enable debug messages.
  --overwrite          Overwrite any existing DMG.
  -h --help            Show this screen.
  --version            Show version.


const createDMG = require('electron-installer-dmg');

async function buildDMG() {
  await createDMG({
    appPath: '/path/to/',
    name: 'MyApp'

createDMG(opts, callback)


appPath - String - Required The .app directory generated by electron-packager.

name - String - Required The application name.

title - String The title of the produced DMG, which will be shown when mounted.

background - String Path to the background for the DMG window. Background image should be of size 658 × 498.

icon - String Path to the icon to use for the app in the DMG window.

overwrite - Boolean Overwrite an existing DMG file if if already exists.

debug - Boolean Enable debug message output.

out - String The directory to put the DMG into. [Default: process.cwd()].

iconSize - Number How big to make the icon for the app in the DMG. [Default: 80].

contents - Array or Function that returns an Array of objects. The content that will appear in the window when user opens the .dmg file. [Default: Array of two icons, application and application destination folder]. Array example:

[ { x: 448, y: 344, type: 'link', path: '/Applications'},
  { x: 192, y: 344, type: 'file', path: '/path/to/'} ]

Function example (more flexible for getting useful options used in creating a DMG):

function (opts) {
   return [ { x: 448, y: 344, type: 'link', path: '/Applications'},
            { x: 192, y: 344, type: 'file', path: opts.appPath} ];

format - String Disk image format. [Default: UDZO].

Must be one of the following:

  • UDRW ➡️ read/write image
  • UDRO ➡️ read-only image
  • UDCO ➡️ ADC-compressed image
  • UDZO ➡️ zlib-compressed image
  • UDBZ ➡️ bzip2-compressed image
  • ULFO ➡️ lzfse-compressed image (macOS 10.11+ only)

additionalDMGOptions - Object Additional options to pass through to appdmg

You can use this to set additional features like background-color and code-sign. See the docs of the appdmg module for all possible options.


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