New release with several major changes thereby increasing major version to 4.
Major changes:
- New pipeline syntax: Use create() instead of New(), and connect() instead of setInputConnection()/getOutputPort(). Check out the documentation to learn the new syntax.
- New build system: Dependencies are built using a separate repo, thereby reducing build times of FAST considerably.
- Updated TensorRT engine to use TensorRT 8
- Updated Clarius Cast to 8.0.1 (Note clarius cast only works on ubuntu 20.04 now)
- More documentation, see https://fast.eriksmistad.no
- GaussianSmoothingFilter renamed to GaussianSmoothing
- AffineTransformation renamed to Transform
- Simplified SimpleDataObject. No need for access objects.
- Can now use keyword arguments in the create() function in python.
- Implemented border size for BoundingBoxRenderer
- Introduced SimpleWindow2D/3D DualViewWindow2D/3D to remove need for set2DMode/set3DMode
- Refactored RunLambda
- Implemented DataStream object for C++ and Python making it easier to iterate through a data stream
- 3D support for crop bottom/top in ImageCropper
- Improved exception handling in pyFAST
- Simplified streaming mode setting. The setting is set on the streamer only, not by Config.
- ++ bug fixes and refactoring
Release binaries and installers can be downloaded below by pressing "assets". Make sure you have the required dependencies installed on your system before using the release: see the installation instructions for Windows, Ubuntu Linux, and Python.