Releases: slutske22/leaflet-topography
🎉 🎈 Version 0.2.0 - Custom Tile Urls, No need for L.Map, .d.ts
Version 0.2.0 brings some nice new features!
📘 Type Declarations file!
Complete (and hopefully correct!) type declarations file ships with installation of leaflet-topography!
😄 No need for L.Map instance in options!
The options argument required by most leaflet-topography functions no longer requires a map: L.Map
property to perform projections. leaflet-topography does this under the hood using L.CRS.EPSG3857
🤓 Custom tiles possible with tilesUrl
You can opt-out of using the Mapbox RGB-encoded DEM tiles. While they be used as a default, if you pass the tilesUrl
property to the options, you can tell leaflet-topography to use any DEM source you like. You can also pass a heightFunction
to tell leaflet-topography how to transform pixel values into height values.
Read more in the README!
v0.2.1 - dx fix
Fixing wrong calculation in dx
just before slope and aspect calculation.
0.1.0 Preliminary Release
First full working build of leaflet-topography, with working example
working ✓TopoLayer
working ✓'preload
working ✓configure
working ✓