The adb-next project is an exhibition-catalog, that uses Next.js.
A live demo of the exhibition catalog is available here:
You might want to set your own storage backend(s) within the settings modal.
Please have a look at the Storybook of the EDB Framework for an indepth documentation of the frontend components, th cli and the overall architecture of the exhibition catalog and the EDB framework.
For a quick start install all dependencies initially build the packages and start the development server of the nextjs exhibition-live application.
bun i && bun build:packages && bun run dev:exhibition
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
please only commit linted and formatted code by using husky
bun run prepare
The project can operate on a variety of storage endpoints. The default is a temporary in memory DB within the browser, which is sufficient for testing purposes. The application can also be configured to use any SPARQL 1.1 endpoint. Either provide an initial config or use the settings modal within the application to configure the endpoints.
You can quickly launch an Oxigraph SPARQL 1.1 endpoint with docker:
docker run -p 7878:7878 -v $(pwd)/data:/data -it
Consult the Oxigraph GitHub repository for further information.
Other SPARQL Endpoints, like Jena Fuseki, Virtuoso, Blazegraph or GraphDB can be used as well. Additional effort might be needed to configure CORS and authentication and to get along with some Endpoints not beeing fully SPARQL 1.1 compliant.
The configuration of endpoints within the exhibition-live
application can either be done dynamically at runtime using
the settings modal or by providing a SPARQL_ENDPOINT
environment variable at build time, which disables setting the endpoint
within the modal and is especially suitable for production deployments, where one wants to make sure all users operate on the same endpoint.
This project uses Storybooks to enforce reusable component based development and to document them with all of their props and options. It also gives an overview over the frontend components used for this project.
cd app/exhibition-live
bun i && bun run storybook
Open http://localhost:6006 with your browser to see the storybook.
Unit tests of core functionality is done by jest
. For integration tests of the frontend Cypress
is being used.
Cypress under Nix:
it might be necessary to delete ~/.cache/Cypress
rm -rf ~/.cache/Cypress
- Install Docker on your machine.
- Build your container:
docker build -t exhibition-docker .
. - Run your container:
docker run -p 3000:3000 exhibition-docker
docker compose up -d
docker compose exec exhibition-live /bin/bash
To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources:
- Next.js Documentation - learn about Next.js features and API.
- Learn Next.js - an interactive Next.js tutorial. You can check out the Next.js GitHub repository - your feedback and contributions are welcome!
The project uses the RDFJS stack for RDF processing.This choice does also offer the ability to use the same code for both the browser and the server. The project uses the following packages:
Some of the following libraries are being used within this project:
- @rdfjs/parser-n3 for RDF parsing and serialisation of turtle and ntriples
- @rdfjs/parser-jsonld for RDF parsing and serialisation of JSON-LD
- @rdfjs/dataset as a temporary in memory RDF store
- oxigraph for SPARQL 1.1 compliant RDF storage within a ServiceWorker (browser) or on the server
- RDF/JS for RDF processing
- @tpluscode/rdfine for common RDF Vocabularies and typesafe namespaces
- SPARQL.js for SPARQL query generation
- sparql-http-client for SPARQL compliant query execution and easier triple streaming
- clownface for RDF graph traversal
- openAI for optional AI based data mapping from unknown sources (complementary to manual declaration based mapping)
LinkML was used for the initial data schemata and schema-conversion. Nevertheless the single source of truth for the data schemata is the JSON Schema located within the public directory.
The main schema is located within the schema/exhibition-info.yml
The JSON Schema ist the basis for:
- Form generation
- Form validation
- Data conversion
- Query generation
- Document extraction
- Ontology generation and Semantic-Mapping
Alongside the core Exhibition Schema, there are complementary declaration files referring to elements from the core schema, that provide additional information for the frontend, like:
- the UI-Schemata for form layout and style hints
- data mapping declarations for data conversion from and to norm data repositories
Complete rebuild without cache:
docker compose down
docker compose rm -f
docker compose pull
docker compose up --build -d
Deletes all images, reloads all images from repository, starts all images with building in daemon-mode, may add docker compose logs -f
for output in following mode.