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A high-performance, extremely flexible, and easily extensible universal workflow engine.


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🪐 Uniflow

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A high-performance, extremely flexible, and easily extensible universal workflow engine.

📝 Overview

Uniflow efficiently handles a wide range of tasks from short-term jobs to long-term processes. It allows for declarative definition and dynamic modification of data flows, leveraging built-in extension capabilities to easily implement complex workflows. Moreover, it offers flexibility to expand functionality by adding new nodes or removing existing ones as needed.

Provide a personalized experience through your service and consistently expand its capabilities.

🎯 Core Values

  • Performance: Achieve optimal throughput and minimal latency across various environments.
  • Flexibility: Dynamically modify and adjust workflows in real-time.
  • Extensibility: Extend system functionality through new components.

🚀 Quick Start

🛠️ Build and Install

Go 1.22 or higher is required. Follow these steps to build from source:

git clone

cd uniflow

make init
make build

After building, the executable will be located in the dist directory.

⚡ Run an Example

Let's run a basic HTTP request handling example, ping.yaml:

- kind: listener
  name: listener
  protocol: http
  port: 8000
      - name: router
        port: in

- kind: router
  name: router
    - method: GET
      path: /ping
      port: out[0]
      - name: pong
        port: in

- kind: snippet
  name: pong
  language: text
  code: pong

To run the workflow, use the following command:

uniflow start --filename example/ping.yaml

To verify it's working, call the HTTP endpoint:

curl localhost:8000/ping

⚙️ Configuration

You can configure settings through the .uniflow.toml file or system environment variables.

TOML Key Environment Variable Example
database.url DATABASE.URL mem:// or mongodb:// DATABASE.NAME -
collection.nodes COLLECTION.NODES nodes

📊 Benchmark

Below are benchmark results performed on a Contabo VPS S SSD (4 cores, 8GB) environment. We used the Apache HTTP server benchmarking tool to measure the ping.yaml workflow consisting of listener, router, and snippet nodes.

ab -n 102400 -c 1024
This is ApacheBench, Version 2.3 <$Revision: 1879490 $>
Benchmarking (be patient)
Server Hostname:
Server Port:            8000
Document Path:          /ping
Document Length:        0 bytes
Concurrency Level:      1024
Time taken for tests:   14.951 seconds
Complete requests:      102400
Failed requests:        0
Total transferred:      11878400 bytes
Requests per second:    6849.06 [#/sec] (mean)
Time per request:       149.510 [ms] (mean)
Time per request:       0.146 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
Transfer rate:          775.87 [Kbytes/sec] received
Connection Times (ms)
              min  mean[+/-sd] median   max
Connect:        0    2   4.7      0      55
Processing:     0  146  62.2    148     528
Waiting:        0  145  62.2    147     528
Total:          0  148  62.3    150     559
Percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms)
  50%    150
  66%    174
  75%    188
  80%    196
  90%    223
  95%    248
  98%    282
  99%    307
 100%    559 (longest request)

📚 Learn More

  • Getting Started: Introduction to CLI installation and workflow management.
  • Key Concepts: Explanation of basic concepts such as nodes, connections, ports, and packets.
  • Architecture: Detailed explanation of node specification loading and workflow execution process.
  • User Extensions: Guide on adding new features and integrating existing services.

🌐 Community and Support

For questions about the project or if you need support, please use the following channels:

📜 License

This project is distributed under the MIT License. You are free to use, modify, and distribute it according to the license terms.