Installing Pepper
1. Backup your Mint database
2. Check that you made a backup of your Mint data
3. Make sure your okay with installing bleeding edge web apps, Expose will be updated
regularly until its in a more stable stage. You sure your okay with that?
4. Upload the /expose/ directory and its contents to
/mint/pepper/84degrees/. If the directory /84degrees/ doesn’t exist, create it.
5. Login to your Mint installation and in the Preferences click “Install” under
6. Click the Expose Pepper “Install” button. Click “Okay.”
7. Once Pepper is installed, go to the Preferences for Expose, either enter a
custom API key or click “Done” to generate a key.
8. Go back into the Preferences and copy your API key into Firemint!
Additional Notes
Requires a client, for API interaction details and example code snippets please see;
Firemint is the first client to make use of the Expose API, more information is available here;