Brot is a simple configurable program which does repetitive tasks I do not want to do by myself anymore.
In case you are wondering what the heck this is all about and about its limited usefulness and special use cases at the moment because I am mainly using this project to learn Golang from scratch.
Brot will look for a configuration file named brot.yaml at following locations in the following order (the last in list wins prioritization):
- /etc/brot
- $HOME/.config
- In the same directory where the binary is located at.
- Passed as flag --config or -c.
apiVersion: v1
loglevel: debug
logformat: text
apiVersion: Brot uses semantic versioning and this value describes to which major version the configuration file is compatible to.
loglevel: Possible values are debug, info, warn and error.
logformat: Possible values are text or json.
--config, -c Path to configuration file to use.
--verbosity, -v Integer value for verbosity, the higher the value the more verbose. 1 ~ error, 2 ~ warn, 3 ~ info, 4 ~ debug
Use this sub command to move or copy files around using rules. E.g. to tidy up your download directory.
Brot will not change anything in case there is already a file in the destination directory with the same name.
All relocation rules have to specified as YAML list with the key relocate: in the root. Each relocation item needs following values to execute properly.
- name: move pdfs
src: $HOME/Downloads
dst: $HOME/Documents
- "*.pdf"
mode: move
- name: copy pictures
src: $HOME/Downloads
dst: /media/USB/Pictures
- "*.jpg"
- "*.png"
mode: copy
name: Human readable alias for each rule. It must not be unique, but it helps if it actually is.
src: Directory to read files from. Does not follow any symbolic links if found.
dst: Directory to relocate files to. Brot will not create the destination directory for you if it does not exist.
Environment variable expansion is possible for values in src: and dst:. E.g. $HOME expands to the user's home directory if set.
patterns: Specify patterns: to target only specific files in src:. Leave it empty to match all files.
mode: Specify either move or copy.
--dry-run, -d Just print out possible matches but do not move/copy anything.
Use this sub command to remove files around using rules. E.g. to tidy up your download directory.
All cleanup rules have to specified as YAML list with the key cleanup: in the root. Each cleanup item needs following values to execute properly.
- name: mac os foo
src: $HOME/Downloads
- ".DS_Store"
- "._.DS_Store"
name: Human readable alias for each rule. It must not be unique, but it helps if it actually is.
src: Directory to read files from. Does not follow any symbolic links if found.
Environment variable expansion is possible for values in src:. E.g. $HOME expands to the user's home directory if set.
patterns: Specify patterns: to target only specific files in src:. Leave it empty to match all files.
--dry-run, -d Just print out possible matches but do not remove anything. configuration
Use this sub command to generate shell completions for Bash, Fish, PowerShell or Zsh which can be sourced.
brot completion [bash|fish|powershell|zsh]
# get the source
$ go get
# (optional) update dependencies
$ go get -u
$ go mod tidy
# build for your current environment
# set GOOS and GOARCH to cross compile for other targets
$ go build
The logo is derived from the original version created by Takuya Ueda licensed under CC 3.0 Attributions license.
Copyright © 2021-2024 Siwei Luo [email protected]
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.