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Pixel is GUI Desktop application for bulk downloading images from Pexel and Unsplash.

Pixel can download photos from multiple categories at the same time from both Pexel and Unsplash simultaneously . It can also download images from Pexel and Unsplash Seperately .

Unsplash as they say - are The internet’s source of freely usable images. Powered by creators everywhere. Similarly Pexel is the best free stock photos & videos shared by talented creators.


For Windows -

Software Exe is provided under "dist" folder , download it and you are ready to go.

For Mac and Linux -

Precompiled files are coming soon . However , you can download this project and run it in your machine directly.

User - Prerequisites

User need to enter there Pexel API Key and Unsplash access key to run this software.

You can get these from here :

Getting Started

  1. Search Term - Your search query eg - Mountain to get the images of Montains . You can also supply multiple search queries

    at ones by comma seperations eg: Mountains,Grocery

  2. Quantity - Amount of images you want to download.

  3. Platform - Select from which website you want the result : Pexel , Unsplash or from both.

Steps Available After Platform selection

For Pexel :

Select platform > Select Pexel image size > Select folder to save image

For Unsplash :

Select platform > Select Featured Status > Select Orientation > Select folder to save image

For Pexel/Unsplash Combine :

Select platform > Select Pexel image size > Select Featured Status > Select Orientation > Select folder to save image

Project Setup and Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development purposes.


This project is based on ElectronJS and Nodejs

Make sure you have Node.js installed.

Visit - Node JS


  1. Create a folder to hold your installation: eg : mkdir Pixel
  2. Clone the repository :
$ git clone

  1. Enter folder: cd Pixel
  2. Install dependencies: npm install
> npm install

-- Starting project

> npm start

-- Starting with Nodemon

> npm run serve

-- Creating Distribution

> npm run dist

-- Creating Mac and Windows Distribution

> npm run dist-all

Some Screenshots :

Starting Screen

API Screen

Search Screen

Download Screen

Gallery Screen


Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details