Moise-DSL is an embedded domain-specifig language for formulating multi-agent organizations to use in Moise project, a Java implementation of Moise+ model for specifying organizations in multi-agent systems. It lowers the gap between model and implementation of multi-agent systems by providing an easy to understand, read and write language that is statically typed, valid Scala code and as such can be checked at compile time.
moise-scalaxb is needed as a library for Moise-DSL, since it is needed to write the XML-based Organization Modelling Language (OML) expected by Moise.
Moise-DSL was written using Scala 2.8.1 and Netbeans 6.9 with Scala Plugin but you can build moise-scalaxb using other Scala versions and Ant, too.
- bin-distribution: Complete executable multi-agent system based on JaCaMo including Moise-DSL, a patched version of Moise, Jason AgentSpeak Interpreter, CArtAgO for agent's environment artefact management and sample data
- doc: My thesis documenting Moise-DSL (only in German, for table of contents see below)
- example: An example organizational structure formulated in OML as well as Moise-DSL
- lib: Binary libraries (currently only needed for testing, moise-scalaxb was integrated using a project reference in Netbeans)
- moise-patches: Patches for Moise needed to fix an bug in Moise 0.8 and to integrate Moise-DSL
- nbproject: Netbeans project files
- src: Scala source code of Moise-DSL
- test: Scala source code of Moise-DSL unit tests based on JUnit 4
Please contact me if you have any questions or need an English translation of parts of the document provided in doc folder. I'll try to provide it. I've written Moise-DSL as part of my studies of Information Systems at University at Duisburg-Essen in Germany so it's available in German only. That's also the reason why there are some chapters dealing with basic stuff like multi-agent systems or domain-specific languages in general.
- This chapter provides goal and motivation (lower the semantic gap between model of multi-agent systems/ organizations and their implementation)
- This chapter describes multi-agent systems and their theoretical background
- This chapter describes multi-agent organizations and their theoretical background
- This chapter describes classes and use cases of domain-specific languages
- This chapter describes Moise-DSL's architecture as well as how it is integrated into Moise and why Scala was chosen for implementation
- This chapter describes Moise-DSL's implementation
- Conclusion
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