Core research question: Can photorealistic style transfer make few-shot image classification tasks more robust to the choice of the support set?
You will need :
- Python version 3.8.2:
pyenv install 3.8.2
- Create a virtualenv with this version:
pyenv virtualenv 3.8.2 name pyenv local name
- The packages in the requirements.txt file:
- with pip do:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- with pip do:
- CuPy, compatible with your cuda toolkit version:
- check this to know how to install CuPy adapted to your cuda toolkit version
- for example, if
nvcc --version
says that you have the 10.1 release of the cuda toolkit, install CuPy with pip usingpip install cupy-cuda101
We used the Amazon Berkeley Objects (ABO) Dataset. Here are the steps to install locally the dataset, needed to run the script of this repo with ABO:
- download ABO's metadata and images:
curl link.tar -L -O -J
- decompress the 2 .tar downloaded folders:
- on Ubuntu, one can use the following command line:
tar xvf folder_name.tar
- the ABO_metadata is now in a folder listings and the ABO_downscaled_images in a folder images. You must organize the data as follow:
You may find useful:data |--abo_dataset |--listings | |--metadata | |--listings_*.json.gz | |--images |--metadata | |--images.csv.gz | |--small |--** |--********.jpg
mkdir new_folder_name # create a folder (where the command is run) mv source target # move source folder into target folder
- on Ubuntu, one can use the following command line:
We used the Caltech-UCSD Birds-200-2011 (CUB-200-2011). Here are the steps to install locally the dataset, needed to run the script of this repo with CUB:
- dowload CUB's images and annotations:
- decompress the .tgz folder
- you must organize the data folder as follows:
data |--cub_dataset |--attributes | |--atributes.txt | |--certainties.txt | |-- ... | |--images | |--***.******* | |-- ... | |--parts | |-- ... | |--splits | |-- ... | |--classes.txt |--image_class_labels.txt |--images.txt |--train_test_split.txt |--README
- error while installing requirements? try:
pip install --upgrade pip
- Difficulties installing pyenv?
in your zshrc
sudo apt-get install curl curl | bash
nano ~/.zshrc
add:export PATH="$HOME/.pyenv/bin:$PATH" eval "$(pyenv init -)" eval "$(pyenv virtualenv-init -)" eval "$(pyenv init --path)"
- you don't have nvcc? use:
sudo apt install nvidia-cuda-toolkit
- you have problem using .cuda() with torch? install the torch version that correspond to your cuda version, the same that you used for cupy
file is not found ? It may be in a different location for you. Insrc/style_transfer/
, modify line 6 path with your own path. You can find your path with the command line:find / -name math_functions.h
python -m scripts.main
--number-of-tasks INTEGER [default: 100]
--color-aware / --no-color-aware
[default: no-color-aware]
--few-shot-method TEXT [default: prototypical]
--style-transfer-augmentation / --no-style-transfer-augmentation
[default: no-style-transfer-augmentation]
--basic-augmentation TEXT
--dataset-used TEXT [default: abo]
--save-results / --no-save-results
[default: save-results]
--help Show this message and exit.
mkdir exp_results
💡 For basic-augmentation, you have the choice in the following list: rotation,deformation,cropping,vertical_flipping,horizontal_flipping,color_jiter,solarize,grayscale. You can choose none, one, or several. Always separated by a ',' only.
💡 For few-shot-method, you have the choice between: prototypical, finetune, tim
💡 For dataset-used, you have the choice between: abo, cub
[1] Jasmine Collins, Shubham Goel, Kenan Deng, Achleshwar Luthra, Leon Xu, Erhan Gundogdu, Xi Zhang, Tomas F Yago Vicente, Thomas Dideriksen, Himanshu Arora, Matthieu Guillaumin, and Jitendra Malik. Abo: Dataset and benchmarks for real-world 3d object understanding. CVPR, 2022.
[2] Yijun Li, Ming-Yu Liu, Xueting Li, Ming-Hsuan Yang, Jan Kautz. A Closed-form Solution to Photorealistic Image Stylization. CoRR, 2018.
[3] Bennequin, E. easyfsl [Computer software].