This repo contains scripts for Artix to start pipewire, pipewire-pulse and wireplumber from openrc. This is just for my own user and I am not going to support it. But you are free to fork it to make it better.
After login, PAM would change the runlevel to user runlevel by UID.
It will await the session (for me, its gnome session) to be started and export the DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS to a file. (timeout is 30s)
runlevel switching would be completed after the dbus session file is found so that the pipewire service can retrieve the DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS to work.
File Structure
----create runlevel by user ID (e.g. default UID is 1000, can check it bay "echo $UID")----
mkdir /etc/runlevels/1000
----Stack the run level----
rc-update -s add default 1000
----Add service to user runlevel----
rc-update add pipewire 1000
rc-update add pipewire-pulse 1000
rc-update add wireplumber 1000
----Append PAM to change runlevel after login----
echo "session optional /usr/local/bin/user-service-start" >> /etc/pam.d/system-local-login
auth include system-login
account include system-login
password include system-login
session include system-login
session optional /usr/local/bin/user-service-start