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Newslelo is a dynamic news platform where users can apply to become authors, log in to write news, and manage posts. Admins have full control over authors, posts, and categories through a dynamic admin panel.

Features Overview

  • User registration and login
  • Apply to become an author
  • Write and manage news posts
  • Dynamic admin panel
    • Add/remove authors
    • Delete posts
    • Add categories
    • Add posts


Author Registration

Author Registration

Users can register by providing necessary details and apply to become an author.

User Login

User Login

Registered users can log in to access their dashboard and start writing news.

Author Dashboard

Author Dashboard

Authors have access to a personal dashboard where they can create and manage their news posts.

Admin Panel - Manage Authors

Manage Authors

Admins can view, add, or remove authors from the platform.

Normal Users Fetch Latest News

Fetch Latest News

Normal users can fetch the latest news effortlessly.

Specific Category News

Specific Category News

Users can go with the specific category for fetching the news.

Full News Story

Full News Story

Users can also watch the whole story of the news.