A minimalistic ChatBot Interface in pure python.
Build on top of FastUI and Funcchain.
pip install fastui-chat
from fastui_chat import ChatUI
# chatui inherits from FastAPI so you can use it as a FastAPI app
app = ChatUI()
# Run with:
# uvicorn examples.minimal:app
# for hot reloading:
# uvicorn examples.minimal:app --reload
# or use the built-in method
if __name__ == "__main__":
You can also only use the router and extend your existing FastAPI app.
from fastapi import FastAPI
from fastui_chat import create_chat_handler, create_history_factory
from fastui_chat.chat import ChatAPIRouter
from fastui_chat.history import InMemoryChatMessageHistory
from fastui_chat.runtime import router as fastui_runtime
# callable that returns a ChatMessageHistory given a session_id
history_factory = create_history_factory(
# swap out with any from langchain_community.chat_message_histories
# a chat handler generates an AIMessage based on a given HumanMessage and ChatHistory
chat_handler = create_chat_handler(
# setup your fastapi app
app = FastAPI()
# add the chatui router to your app
ChatAPIRouter(history_factory, chat_handler),
# make sure to add the runtime router as latest since it has a catch-all route
# start the server with `uvicorn examples.fastapi_router:app`
- Python Only
- Easy to use
- Minimalistic & Lightweight
- LangChain Compatible
- FastAPI Compatible
- Parallel Chat Sessions
- Switchable ChatHistory Backends
- Insert your custom chat handler
git clone https://github.com/shroominic/fastui-chat.git && cd fastui-chat
If you want to contribute or see whats coming soon checkout the roadmap.todo
file for open todos.