I've built and managed bespoke WordPress themes, migrated, and hosted many sites. Now gravitating into the seductive framework UI/UX realm. Over the recent years I've built sites and contributed to projects in NextJS, Sveltekit, Ghost, and experimented with headless CMS backends like WordPress, Forestry, Strapi, Storyblok and HyGraph. I love working in web performance and pushing sites to improve scoring in Lighthouse and WebPageTest.
I'm currently working in UX Engineering and Project Management.
Astro, Sveltekit, Accessiblity, and a little Typescript through various exercies and building project sites, experimentation, and coursework
- 🔭 I’m working on a new portfolio site, ShrinkrayLabs and a code exercises site called DevCharms both in AstroJS.
- 🌱 Applying Practical Accessibility course
- 👯 Let's work together to build an equitible web
- 💬 Ask me about Frontend, Design Systems, and Accessibility Services