Jin is a small relational database engine written in Rust with the standard library and no external dependencies.
Although Jin is a prototype, it implements features of a fully-fledged database such as disk I/O for data persistence, a thread-safe buffer for in-memory caching, and (soon) logging mechanisms for crash recovery. It aspires to be a small, fast, relational database engine with ACID guarantees.
Install the Rust toolchain here or run:
% curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh
Jin may require nightly Rust. Configure nightly with:
% rustup toolchain install nightly
% rustup override set nightly
To build the project during development, run:
% cargo build
Add --release
to the end to create an optimized build.
To run all tests, run:
% cargo test
Shoyo Inokuchi ([email protected])