- cd7ba1d Add Dependabot configuration for Go modules
- 684762d Changes to .goreleaser.yml: modified snapshot name template
- 1ab3e3f Compatible with Go version 1.22+
- c316e6f Merge pull request #19 from sho-hata/issue-templete
- c0480a3 Merge pull request #20 from sho-hata/update/go1.21
- 4de85e8 Merge pull request #21 from sho-hata/feature/dependabot
- f743cb4 Update issue templates
- 26d173a add test case
- 972f28e chore: edit README
- 9dae124 fix format
- e562b76 update go version to v1.21
- 7524df2 upgrade go to v1.20