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A simple python-flask web application for users to upload and view images. The application runs on Heroku, uses PostgreSQL for storing user credentials and photos meta-data. Image storage is done on AWS-S3. Bootstrap used for UI.

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Photo App

This application enables users to upload and view uploaded pictures. The application will run on Heroku with postgresql database attached to it. The uploaded images are stored on AWS S3. You can view the app here.

Getting Started

Download the repository or use git clone to get a copy of the project on your system.

$ git clone


Run reqirements.txt to install python libraries.

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

PostgreSQL Installation

I will first create postgreSQL database locally and later push it to heroku.

In order to do that let's install postgreSQL on our system.

$ sudo apt-get install postgresql

PostgreSQL comes with the default role 'postgres'. In order to proceed, I created a role with name same as my system root username. You can do the same as follows.

$ sudo -u postgres
postgres@vostro:~$ createuser --interactive
Enter name of role to add: shivani
Shall the new role be a superuser? (y/n) y
postgres@vostro:~$ \q

Exit the postgres console.

Database Intialisation

In the postgres console on our system, create a new database and name it 'photo_app'.

To initialise our database, open python interpretor.

$ python3

Then type the following the create the database.

>> from photo_app import database
>> from photo_app.models import User, Photo, create_db
>> create_db()

Setting-up Heroku with PostgreSQL

Inorder to use Heroku CLI, we will have to install heroku on our system and then login into your heroku account.

$ sudo snap install heroku --classic
$ heroku login

Once your login is verified on the browser, next we create a new app on heroku, which is going to receive the cloned source code. Leave the name blank and heroku will generate a default name for your app. I have named the app 'photoapp-shiv'.

$ heroku create photoapp-shiv

Note down the app URL, we will later use it to open the app in the browser.

Furthermore, we will also use heroku-postgres for deploying the database in the same heroku app.

heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev

Pushing the database

The following command pushes local database to the heroku app's primary database.

$ heroku pg:push photo_app HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_SILVER --app photoapp-shiv

You can access the heroku database from your system. The following commands gives the database information and opens postgresql console respectively.

$ heroku pg:info
$ heroku pg:psql

Set-up S3 for Image Storage

Open a new account on Amazon AWS. Create an IAM user for safety. Obtain the credentials for Access-key and Secret-key. We shall use this for establishing connection.

Config variables

Next, set environment variables necessary to run your application on heroku.

$ heroku config:set VAR_NAME1=VAR_VALUE1 VAR_NAME2=VAR_VALUE2

Following are the names of the variables to be configured. Enter the key names as they are. And the values should be as per your application set-up.

  3. S3_KEY: <YOUR_S3_KEY>

Heroku will set a database URL for the database on it's own. You can view it through following.

$ heroku config:get DATABASE_URL

Deployment on Heroku

Now we will push the local code to the heroku app.

$ git add -A
$ git commit -m "Heroku Demo."
$ git push heroku master


Click on the URL generated on the console (When we created the app, the url is given), to view the app on the browser. Or type the following.

$ heroku open

You can also test your application locally. For that you will have to just add .env file containing the environment variables (config variables) to your base folder. Use the following to do that.

$ heroku config:get <VAR-NAME> >> .env
$ heroku local


You can sign in the portal by using the credentials username as 'guest' and password 'guest'.

Once logged in, upload pictures by browsing picture of you choice and then click on upload. All uploaded pictures can be viewed through the thumbnails or by clicking the image links.

Once done, you can logout of the portal by clicking 'Logout' on the top right corner.


Shivani Nadkarni -


Thanks to my brother and mentor viren-nadkarni for guiding and inspiring me to build this -


A simple python-flask web application for users to upload and view images. The application runs on Heroku, uses PostgreSQL for storing user credentials and photos meta-data. Image storage is done on AWS-S3. Bootstrap used for UI.







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