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AmneziaWG exporter

amneziawg-exporter is a Prometheus exporter for gathering AmneziaWG client connection metrics.

Features and limitations

Client Identification

amneziawg-exporter can optionally identify WireGuard clients using a client table. If this feature is enabled, clients are identified by their names; otherwise, they are marked as "unidentified."

http/oneshot/metricsfile Modes

amneziawg-exporter has three operating modes (AWG_EXPORTER_OPS_MODE environment variable):

  • http - run an HTTP server on AWG_EXPORTER_HTTP_PORT to make metrics accessible, like most exporters. Default
  • metricsfile - write metrics to AWG_EXPORTER_METRICS_FILE instead of serving them on http port.
  • oneshot - same as in metricsfilemode but the service creates a metrics file and then shuts down. In Docker, you can use a volume to save the file on disk. It can then be taken by node-exporter to serve your exporter metrics.

Open this link to read more about the textfile collector.


The following environment variables can be used to configure amneziawg-exporter.

Variable Name Default Value Description
AWG_EXPORTER_SCRAPE_INTERVAL 60 Interval for scraping WireGuard metrics (for 'http' mode).
AWG_EXPORTER_HTTP_PORT 9351 Port for HTTP service.
AWG_EXPORTER_METRICS_FILE /tmp/prometheus/awg.prom Path to the metrics file for Node exporter textfile collector.
AWG_EXPORTER_OPS_MODE http Operation mode for the exporter ('http', metricsfile or 'oneshot').
AWG_EXPORTER_CLIENTS_TABLE_ENABLED false Whether to enable client identification using a client table.
AWG_EXPORTER_CLIENTS_TABLE_FILE ./clientsTable1 Path to the client table file.
AWG_EXPORTER_AWG_SHOW_EXEC "awg show" Command to run the awg show command.


Metric name Labels Description
awg_sent_bytes peer, client_name Client sent bytes
awg_received_bytes peer, client_name Client received bytes
awg_latest_handshake_seconds peer, client_name Latest client handshake with the server in seconds
awg_status Exporter status. 1 - OK, 0 - not OK

Every metric receives a label peer to identify the AmneziaWG peer, and client_name to identify the client if client table is enabled.

Example Usage

You can use example docker-compose.yml to run the amneziawg-exporter:

# docker compose up -d
[+] Running 1/1
 ✔ Container amneziawg-exporter  Started                                                                                                                  0.2s 
# docker compose ps
NAME                 IMAGE                                         COMMAND                         SERVICE              CREATED          STATUS          PORTS
amneziawg-exporter   "/usr/bin/amneziawg-exporter"   amneziawg-exporter   23 seconds ago   Up 23 seconds