Haskell based simulator for spiking neural networks
HSimSNN is fully functional spiking neural network simulator.
- Basic networks of LIF neurons can be implemented.
Event based simulation.
(In the listed order)
- A basic spiking neuron model - Done.
- Populations of neurons - Done.
- Connections - Done.
- Network level simulations - Done
- User defined neuron models/dynamics.
(Not necessarily in the listed order)
- Synaptic dynamics
- Custom neuron models
- Synaptic plasticity
- Complex neuronal dynamics
(Recommended) Install with stack Make sure your stack is up to date.
$ stack upgrade
$ git clone https://github.com/sheiksadique/HSimSNN.git
$ cd HSimSNN
$ stack build
For installing the library using cabal
$ git clone https://github.com/sheiksadique/HSimSNN.git
$ cd HSimSNN
$ cabal install
For documentation
$ cd HSimSNN
$ cabal haddock --executables
$ <yourfavourate_browser> ./dist/doc/html/HSimSNN/index.html
You can try some example scripts that demonstrate the use of the library.
To run the file in ./examples/basics.hs follow the below instructions:
If you compiled the library with stack
$ stack runhaskell examples/basics.hs
If you compiled/installed the library with cabal
$ runhaskell examples/basics.hs
The data is saved to text (.txt) files that are then used to generate plots in Python using matplotlib.
WARNING: If you do not have python or matplotlib installed the figure will not be generated.
Added transmission delays to spikes. This ensure that the simulation doesn't explode and progresses over time (esp for recurrent networks)
Added refractory period to spikes. Once again as a measure to ensure the network activity doesn't explode.