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Sterling Heibeck edited this page Jan 4, 2022 · 24 revisions

5 Parsecs Companion

Welcome to the 5 Parsecs Companion wiki! This website is a companion application for the solo wargame Five Parsecs From Home. This website is not affiliated with NWG or Modiphius.

This companion app is not intended to replace the book but is intended to be used alongside it. There are many details left out of the app, but page numbers are inserted where appropriate to allow you to quickly find more data about the rolls and information that show up in the app.

Please report issues that you find! There are a lot of options that can interact in various ways, so when the companion app seems to show something that does not line up with the rules or does not include all bonuses/penalties, etc. reporting these issues will help make this app better!

Supported Books

  • ✅ 5 Parsecs From Home Core Book
  • ❌ Trailblazer's Toolkit

Creating an Account

  • If you have a Gmail email address, click the Sign in with AWS button, then you can one-click login with your Google account.

Crew List

Lists all available Crews that you have created. Clicking the Edit button will take you to the Crew Edit page.

Campaign Turn

Tools for helping you play a campaign turn. To reroll any section just click on the dice icon for that section. To reroll the entire encounter, click on the large dice near the top of the screen.

1. Travel

Helpers for the Travel steps of a campaign turn.

2. World

Helpers for the World steps of a campaign turn.

3. Battle


Choose your battle type, campaign crew size, number of the crew participating in this fight, and campaign difficulty. Rolling the big dice at the top left of the screen makes the initial dice rolls based on the setup you choose. This will show the sub-sections: deployment conditions, notable sights, mission objectives, and determine the enemy.

Enemy Numbers The rules on determining the enemy pages of the book are accounted for in the companion. Other rules that fall outside of those pages are indicated with checkboxes. We've added an additional input to modify the numbers further if needed. If you discover a rule that isn't being enforced by the companion app, please report it. Then use this box to adjust for the unaccounted rule.

World Traits Some world traits affect encounters. Check any traits that apply to the world you are currently on.

Specific Enemy When using the Specific Enemy box, use the exact spelling from the 5 Parsecs Rulebook for the enemy names. If the name is invalid, you will receive a red popup notice.

Enemy Weapons Enemy weapons are listed next to their profile in the Determine the Enemy section. The weapon profiles are automatically populated in the Weapons section.

Unique Individuals The main roll for Unique Individuals occurs when you roll the dice at the top left of the screen. If you want to re-roll your unique individual dice, you must roll the top-level dice again, the dice next to Determine the Enemy only rerolls the core enemy type, not any of the rolls involved with determining numbers or unique individuals. For insanity mode, however, the extra check for additional enemies will happen when clicking the dice next to Determine the Enemy

Deployment Conditions

This section will denote deployment conditions and in the case of a fight with a Rival will tell you the Rival attack type. Note: if the rival attack type is an Ambush, the number of crew for this mission is automatically reduced by one. Note the dropdown will change when this happens

Determine the Enemy

When rerolling this section, the original dice rolls for determining numbers are not rerolled. This simply rerolls the enemy type. To choose a specific enemy enter the enemy name in the Specific Enemy box at the top and reroll this step OR reroll the entire encounter if you wish. Be sure to consult the book as some enemies have additional rules!


Print the battle results in portrait format for the best results. Extra spaces marked by * are additional spaces for your use as you see fit. Unique individuals weapon entries are marked with a number preceded by double asterisks (ex. **1)

4. Post-Battle

Helpers for the Post-Battle steps of a campaign turn.

Campaign Event/Character Event

The tables for these events have a lot of information and the ability to roll on these tables was intentionally left out at this time. Please use the book for these 2 events.


Resources for the game 5 Parsecs From Home


  • Printing
    • Use print from your browser to print your Crew Log and choose Landscape mode to get a single page for a 6 person crew.
  • Sometimes the data appears to not show the latest update
    • This most often shows up when you use more than one device with your account. We use AWS DataSync which stores data on local storage, then queues it up to push to the server. If you log into one device and update the data, then go to your second device, the second device will asynchronously pull updated data from the server. If your data looks out of date, try refreshing your browser again. That will normally fix the issue. Also, make sure you have a good connection to the internet, or it will just pull from your local storage until it contacts the server.