This repo contains the accessment exercise for the Javascript Track Please perform the following instructions.
- Fork this repository.
- Clone the repository to your local computer.
- Add your solution to the specificied position.
- Commit your solution.
- Push your update to your repository.
- Submit your repository URL on the provided google form.
// src/com/solution/
public static int getresult(String str)
// your code goes here
public static void main(String[] args)
if (args.length < 1)
String str = args[0];
if (str.length() <= 0)
String output = Solution.getresult(str);
System.out.print("Solution(" + str + ") = " + output + "\n");
Ant Java build tool. This build tools is avaliable within the repo at lib/ant. You can execute the build tool on both windows and mac.
# compile the code using ant tooling on unix systems
# if have `ant` install in your global path
$: ant jar
# OR
$: ./lib/ant/bin/ant jar
# for windows systems
$: lib\ant\bin\ant.bat jar
# run the jar file passing in argument
$: java -jar build/jar/solution-*.jar <input>
$: ant test
contact: ***