- WebdriverIO - It is the selenium webdriver api bindings for node.js, It has a very simple api which could be used to automate web & browser apps in a fast and scalable way.
- Typescript(Javascript) - It is the superset of javascript which has additional static typings and features like JAVA and other languaes. Now you could write your code which compiles to pure javascript.
- Cucumber - The popular BDD test framework which helps us write automated tests.
- Docker
- Clone the repository into a folder
- Optional - build docker image locally
- Install dependencies with
docker-compose run --rm webdriverio npm install
You can build the docker image locally
docker build Dockerfile/. -t wdiodocker
or npm run dockerbuild
Don't forget to update your docker-compose.yml
to use the local docker image
- Run docker-compose to connect to the container and compile the typeScript src files
docker-compose run --rm webdriverio npm run build
To execute across Saucelabs, set the SAUCE_USERNAME
environment variables.
Note that you aren't required to create a Sauce Connect tunnel, this will be handled automatically.
Run docker-compose run --rm webdriverio npm run test-sauce
To execute across BrowserStack, set the BROWSERSTACK_USERNAME
environment variables.
Run docker-compose run --rm webdriverio npm run test-browserstack
To execute across TestingBot, set the TESTINGBOT_USERNAME
environment variables.
Run docker-compose run --rm webdriverio npm run test-testingbot
Run docker-compose run --rm webdriverio npm run test-local
defines the outDir
where Typescript will transpile to. This directory is deleted by the npm run clean
or npm run clean-build
and conf/saucelabs.conf.js
define the configuration of webdriverio.
specs: [...]
defines matchers for the cucumber feature files to run as default.suites: {...}
defines named matcher sets for different suite types (e.g. smoke, login, etc.)services
define the nature of the selenium execution. Most commonly support local (standalone) execution or Saucelabs.baseUrl:
defines the default/base URL to use for the tests. This is most commonly the landing URL for the desired environment & app.require: [...]
defines the matchers for the step definitions to use in the run.
For more information on configuration, see http://webdriver.io/guide/testrunner/configurationfile.html
Cucumber framework has been integrated with this project, WebdriverIO's wdio-cucumber-framework
adapter helps write BDD style tests with Features & Step Definitions.
import { expect } from 'chai';
import { Given, Then, When } from 'cucumber';
import { LoginPage } from '../pages/login.page';
/^I attempt to log in with valid details/,
() => {
LoginPage.login('tomsmith', 'SuperSecretPassword!');
/^I am presented with the (success|error) message$/,
(message: string) => {
const successMessage: string = 'You logged into a secure area!';
const errorMessage: string = 'Your username is invalid!';
if (message === 'success') {
} else if (message === 'error') {
This framework is strictly written using page-object design pattern.
class LoginPageObject {
private _url: string = '/login';
private _username: string = '#username';
private _password: string = '#password';
private _submit: string = 'button[type="submit"]';
public get loginButton() { return browser.element(this._submit); }
public get username() { return browser.element(this._username); }
public get password() { return browser.element(this._password); }
public openLogin(): void {
public login(username: string, password: string): void {
export const LoginPage = new LoginPageObject();
Typings have been added for WebDriverIO / Cucumber / Chai / Node from the DefinitelyTyped project.
Add these to your IDE for a much more pleasant development experience