this app is to analyze transactions in your store with SMAREGI services.
how to use the app
- python 3.8.0
- mysql
- pug
- responder v1.3.0
- tortoise-orm v0.20.0
- jinja2 (pug extensions)
- SmaregiPy
git clone
pip install -r requirements.txt
if you use pipenv,
pipenv install -r requirements.txt
or if you use vs-code, you can run for debug named "Python: Responder".
cd app/static && npm install
sudo apt install -y ruby && gem install -y ultrahook
in devcontainer, to catch webhook from smaregi, exec command as following:
ultrahook look-into-baskets
- root権限で操作する
- migrateはstagingから操作する
- stagingで、root権限後、pipenv shellで起動(pipenv installでパッケージインストール)