Trying to create customized gym environments based on ros/gazebo platform
Ros Distribution - ROS Noetic Ninjemys
Operating System - Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal)
Python Distribution - Python 3.X
Gym - doc
- create gazebo environment
- convert layout xxx.png to occupancy map xxx.pgm using
- create corresponding xxx.yaml for occupancy map as sample
- read the map and publish using command === rosrun map_server map_server xxx.yaml ===
- run map2gazebo using command === roslaunch map2gazebo map2gazebo.launch export_dir:=/path/to/export_dir === to read published map and create stl/dae based on map layout
- convert layout xxx.png to occupancy map xxx.pgm using
- TurtleBot3 turtle-bot3 , turtle-bot3-msgs , turtle-bot3-simulations , turtle-bot3-driver
- configure #export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=waffle in .bashrc file
- assumption is all sensor data, poses, etc are in same frame ie. 'map'
- fix for map2gazebo utf encoding error is to change lines open(export_dir + "/map.stl", 'w') => open(export_dir + "/map.stl", 'wb')
- => this issue occuring sometime ** need to fix **
- deleting turtlebot3 model from gazebo not corresponding services & topics sor currently turtlebot3 is never removed after gazebo is launched