RequestInputBundle converts request data into DTO inputs objects with validation.
- Request data supported:
based onContent-Type
header. - Resolve inputs arguments for controllers actions.
- Create DTO inputs outside controllers
- Validate DTO inputs objects.
- Global YAML configuration.
- Custom Configuration via Input Attribute per controller action.
Require the bundle with composer:
composer require sfmok/request-input-bundle
- Create DTO input and implements
use Sfmok\RequestInput\InputInterface;
class PostInput implements InputInterface
private string $title;
private string $content;
private array $tags;
private string $name;
# getters and setters or make properties public
- Use DTO input in your controller action as an argument:
class PostController
# Example with global config
#[Route(path: '/posts', name: 'create')]
public function create(PostInput $input): Response
# Example with specific config
#[Route(path: '/posts', name: 'create')]
#[Input(format: 'json', groups: ['create'], context: ['groups' => ['create']])]
public function create(PostInput $input): Response
- Response header
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
- Response body
"type": "",
"title": "Validation Failed",
"detail": "title: This value should not be blank.",
"violations": [
"propertyPath": "title",
"title": "This value should not be blank.",
"parameters": {
"{{ value }}": "\"\""
"type": "urn:uuid:c1051bb4-d103-4f74-8988-acbcafc7fdc3"
Whether the request data contains invalid syntax or invalid attributes types a clear 400 json response will return:
- Data Error
"title": 12
"title": "Deserialization Failed",
"detail": "Data error",
"violations": [
"propertyPath": "title",
"message": "This value should be of type string",
"currentType": "int"
- Syntax error:
"title": "foo",
"title": "Deserialization Failed",
"detail": "Syntax error",
"violations": []
# config/packages/request_input.yaml
enabled: true # default value true
formats: ['json'] # default value ['json', 'xml', 'form']
skip_validation: true # default value false
You can also override the format using attribute input and specify the format explicitly.
You just need to inject InputFactoryInterface
namespace App\Manager;
use App\Dto\PostInput;
use Sfmok\RequestInput\InputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Sfmok\RequestInput\Factory\InputFactoryInterface;
class PostManager
public function __construct(private InputFactoryInterface $inputFactory)
public function getInput(Request $request): InputInterface
return $this->inputFactory->createFromRequest($request, PostInput::class);
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.