Check out our blog post about KaufmannEx
The goal of KaufmannEx is to provide a simple to use library for building kafka based microservices.
It should be simple and fast to write new microservices with Avro or JSON event schemas (or whatever).
Tieing KafkaEx
, AvroEx
, and Schemex
KaufmannEx exists to make it easy to consume Avro encoded messages off of a kafka broker in a parallel, controlled, manner.
If available in Hex, the package can be installed
by adding kaufmann_ex
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:kaufmann_ex, "~> 0.4.0-dev"}
Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Once published, the docs can be found at
KaufmannEx is under very active development. So it's a little more complicated than is ideal at the moment.
KaufmannEx needs:
- to be in
- to be in your Supervision Tree
- schemas
To Use KaufmannEx start by adding it to your supervision tree
defmodule Sample.Application do
use Application
require Logger
def start(_type, _args) do
children = [
opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: Sample.Supervisor]
Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)
KaufmannEx expects configuration in your Application Config.
Kaufman depends on KafkaEx which must also be configured
A config.exs
may include something like this:
config :kaufmann_ex,
consumer_group: "Consumer-Group",
default_topics: ["default-topic"],
event_handler_mod: MyApp.EventHandler,
producer_mod: KaufmannEx.Publisher,
schema_path: "priv/schemas",
schema_registry_uri: "http://localhost:8081",
transcoder: [
default: KaufmannEx.Transcoder.SevenAvro,
json: KaufmannEx.Transcoder.Json
config :kafka_ex,
brokers: [
consumer_group: "Consumer-Group",
commit_threshold: 10,
commit_interval: 100,
sync_timeout: 10_000
KaufmannEx expects an event handler module with the callback given_event/1
defmodule MyApp.EventHandler do
use KaufmannEx.EventHandler
alias KaufmannEx.Schemas.Event
@behaviour KaufmannEx.EventHandler
@impl true
def given_event(%Event{name: "test.command", payload: payload}) do
message_body = do_some_work(payload)
{:reply, [{"test.event", message_body, topic}]}
# In the event of an error a ErrorEvent is emitted
def given_event(%Event{name: "this.event.returns.error", payload: payload}) do
{:error, :unhandled_event}
KaufmannEx assumes every event has a matching event Avro or JSON Event Schema.
All AVRO events are expected to include a meta
metadata key.
If an Event causes an exception it will emit an error event with
as the event_name
. Events that raise exceptions
are not retried or persisted beyond emitting this error event. If specific
handling of failing events is important to you, implement a dead-letter service
or similar.
KaufmannEx uses KafkaEx.ConsumerGroup
to subscribe to kafka topic/s. Events
are consumed by a kafka_ex_gen_stage_consumer
stage to a Flow
event handler
There are a few release tasks intended for use as Distillery custom commands. Distillery's custom commands don't provide the environment we're used to with mix tasks, so extra configuration and care is needed.
Migrate Schemas will attempt to register all schemas in the implementing
project's priv/schemas
This task is intended to be used to recover idempotent services from a catastrophic failure or substantial architectural change.
ReInit Service will reset the configured consumer group to the earliest available Kafka Offset. It will then consume all events from the Kafka broker until the specified offset is reached (Or all events are consumed).
By default message publication is disabled during reinitialization. This can be
overridden in KaufmannEx.ReleaseTasks.reinit_service/4
These tasks are intended for use with Distillery in a release environment. In
these examples the application is named Sample
defmodule Sample.ReleaseTasks do
def migrate_schemas do
def reinit_service do
release :sample do
commands: [
migrate_schemas: "rel/commands/",
reinit_service: "rel/commands/"
$RELEASE_ROOT_DIR/bin/sample command Elixir.Sample.ReleaseTasks migrate_schemas
It is possible to lose events when a node goes down. But we try to prevent that from happening.
- The backpressure in Kaufmann prevents pulling more events than processing capacity.
- KuafmannEx uses the default KafkaEx GenConsumer asynchronous offset commit behavior. Offsets are committed asynchronously on a timer or event count.
Ideally the kafka_ex :commit_threshold
should be set somewhat larger than
kaufmann_ex :max_demand
(the default is 100 and 50, respectively). This should
make it less likely that the node will be processing already-committed messages
when it goes down.
Kafka can only guarantee event ordering within a single partition. KaufmannEx will consume events in the order published, but event processing is not guaranteed to be sequential. KaufmannEx (as with kafka in general) does cannot provide strong consistency.
Kaufmann provides some internal :temeletry events
[:kaufmann_ex, :schemas, :decode]
[:kaufmann_ex, :event_handler, :handle_event]
[:kaufmann_ex, :schema, :encode]
[:kaufmann_ex, :publisher, :publish]
Kaufmann provides an optional logger demonstrating consumption of these events
in KaufmannEx.TelemetryLogger
. This logger can be started by adding
to your supervision tree.