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Python script to find the symmetric image of any given real-valued parametric curve with respect to any other given real-valued pointwise-differentiable parametric curve in the 2D Cartesian plane, regarding the latter as an axis of reflection.


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This Python script determines the symmetric image of any given real-valued parametric curve with respect to any other given real-valued parametric pointwise-differentiable curve in the 2D Cartesian plane. The latter curve is treated as the axis of reflection. The mirror curve equations are defined by xMirror_t and yMirror_t and his name by mirrorName; for the to-be-mirrored curve we have xToBeMirrored_q, yToBeMirrored_q and toBeMirroredName instead. It is recommended to always reference the last published version of the script; Python 3.10+ as well as sympy, numpy, and matplotlib packages are required.

I originally conceived this idea in early 2015. The code is relatively slow because it employs sympy to perform some necessary mathematical computations. Therefore, I recommend utilizing multiprocessing for improved performance. You can define the number of concurrently active processes via the nProcesses value. For optimum performance don't exceed the number of physical cores of your CPU (x2 if SMT (AMD) or Hyper-Threading (Intel) is enabled).

The code operates by performing the following main steps:

  • Evaluating the derivative of the mirror curve at each point*.
  • Determining the intersections between each perpendicular line* to the tangents of the mirror curve and the to-be-mirrored curve**.
  • Flipping the vectors that connect the intersection points with the point on the mirror curve from where the perpendicular line was cast.

*Considering that, in general, it is impossible to compute the derivative for an infinite number of points within a finite time, the code provides the capability to define intervals of the parameter that generates the curve and adjust the point density within those intervals. You can define these values as tuples inside tRangeValuesList. Beware to define tRangePlot as well, as the parameter interval used to just plot the mirror curve. The ability to selectively define the tRange parameter intervals and adjust their point density provides an efficient approach to performing the computations required for achieving a precise result. This flexibility avoids unnecessarily lengthy computation times by focusing only on the calculations necessary to attain the desired level of accuracy in different areas of the curve.

**The to-be-mirrored curve might be defined by any 2D real-valued parametric expression in Cartesian coordinates, but the existence of an exact solution set for a system consisting of an affine equation and a nonlinear non-affine equation relies on the nature of the equations and their properties. In certain cases, numerical methods or approximation techniques are necessary to find solutions. However, a system of affine equations always possesses a set of analytic solutions; that's why in the code the to-be-mirrored curve is approximated by a set of line segments. Additionally, by increasing the point density in the range of the to-be-mirrored curve parameter, we can approach the original curve arbitrarily closely, except maybe for unusual curves like the Weierstrass function and some piecewise defined curves. You can define the range and the point density of the to-be-mirrored curve parameter as tuples inside qRangeValueList.

Please note that the steps mentioned above describe the basic procedure of the code, but the actual implementation involves many additional considerations and optimizations.

Finally, the code generates a plot showcasing the two parametric curves along with the symmetric curve (beware of defining appropriate x and y boundaries of the plot via plt.xlim(xMin, xMax) and plt.ylim(yMin, yMax)). This plot is saved in the folder where the script was executed from. Additionally, a .csv file is generated containing the coordinates of the points of the mirrored curve, allowing you to easily export the data if needed.

KNOWN BUG (fixed with update 1.1.2):

As I had to make the assumption of using real-valued symbols, there may be certain cases in which sympy might not provide the accurate value in the getCoeffPerp function. For instance, if yPrime_t == sp.sympify("sign(t)"), then yPrime at tNum=0 should return sp.sympify("nan"). However, due to the assumption that the expression is always a real value, it is forced to return a real number, resulting in a value of 0 instead. This may lead to inaccurate mirroring, by reflecting points that shouldn't be.

UPDATE 1.2.0:

The functionality of the generateRange function has been enhanced to automatically adapt the point density proportionally to the curvature of the curve at each point. To activate this feature, when calling the generateRange function, set the variableDensities argument to True, and provide the parametric equations of the curve along with the variables tPy (or qPy) and t (or q). Additionally, to utilize this new functionality effectively, you need to specify different values for numMax and numMin when defining the <parameter>RangeValueList tuples. Every numMax and numMin couple will dictate what the maximum and minimum densities on that interval will be. Ensure that start <= stop, extensionStart <= extensionStop, and so on, to avoid errors. If you only want to use variable density for certain intervals, set numMax equal to numMin (or omit numMin altogether) for the intervals where you want a fixed density. By default, variable density is turned off, and generateRange is fully backward compatible, so if you desire a fixed density for all intervals, you can leave <parameter>RangeValueList and the calls to the generateRange function as in versions prior to the 1.2.0.

Automatic density adjustment can be beneficial in certain cases where higher precision is needed while keeping <variable>Range relatively small so as not to massively increase computation time. However, it may not always achieve the desired outcome and it sometimes may increase computation time depending on how the parameters are set and on the curve's curvature. Moreover, curvature is only evaluated for pointwise twice differentiable curves, so user discretion is advised.

UPDATE 1.2.4:

As of right now, some piecewise defined curves might lead to inaccurate mirroring. (fixed with update 1.2.4)

To ensure proper symmetries for piecewise defined curves, define them with domain intervals arranged in ascending order and populate <parameter>RangeValuesList with tuples whose start (extensionStart) and stop (extensionStop) values coincide with the domain intervals boundaries of the curve. Moreover, if the to-be-mirrored curve is a piecewise-defined curve, initialize qIntervals as a tuple of sympy's Intervals and pass it as the last argument to the call of the segment function.

UPDATE 1.3.0:

Sometimes, it proves necessary to examine the mirror image for a specific set of points within tRange; moreover, in certain cases, relying solely on numerical approximations for the values of these points might not suffice. To address this, the function addValues enables you to specify a list of points to be added to <parameter>Range.

Please be aware that evaluating intersections for exact sympy symbolical values could sometimes be highly time-consuming. To prevent waiting indefinitely for the intersections of a single point to be computed, the mirror function has the option to include a maxTime value as the last argument of its call. The maxTime value determines the maximum duration, in seconds, for which you are willing to wait for the intersections computation to conclude when tVal is an instance of sp.Basic.

This time check, although sometimes necessary, is not perfect. Since there is no direct way in Python (for non-UNIX systems) to stop a function's execution based on how long it takes to run, it would be necessary to create a subprocess every time there is the need to check the intersections between the tangent line to the mirror curve at tVal and each segment composing the curve to be mirrored. However, creating a process comes with significant overhead, so the code assumes that -- for the given value of tVal -- if the intersection calculation exceeds (or doesn't exceed) the time limit for the first segment of the curve to be mirrored, it will also exceed (or won't exceed) it for all subsequent segments. This assumption, although valid in most cases, may not hold for some rare specific scenarios. Therefore, the advice is to always initialize maxTime to None and only assign it a different value if a situation arises where setting a time limit is necessary.


Isolated points of piecewise defined curves are not mirrored.

Straight sections of the to-be-mirrored curve that are perpendicular to the mirror curve at some given points, are not mirrored if said points tVals are not present inside tRange.


Python script to find the symmetric image of any given real-valued parametric curve with respect to any other given real-valued pointwise-differentiable parametric curve in the 2D Cartesian plane, regarding the latter as an axis of reflection.







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