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Explaining `scripts` folder of `Rambda`

Dejan Toteff edited this page Jun 14, 2020 · 1 revision

There was one issue in Rambdax where I was asked how I support two very similar libraries. I answered that I do that manually and of course the other side was not impressed. He didn't say anything, but this is the first time I felt the suspicion that the separation to Rambda and Rambdax was far from perfect.

It took me another year to realize what I should do and this is how I decided to keep all the methods of both libraries in one folder rambda/source and build from there.

The current structure has its drawbacks as the commits reflect both libraries, but it is a intended compromise as the benefits are greater than the few cons.

Rambda is not only method files

As Rambda is a library that is basically a mirror of from another library, several questions should be answered:

  • Are you faster? If so, can you prove it?

  • Are you compatible, i.e. can the user easily switch between the two libraries. If not, what he should keep in mind?

  • What are the benefits? If there are such, can you provide full insights on them?