An open dataset for typical people mass movement in urban areas
Article link(
- Takehiro Kashiyama, Yanbo Pang, Yoshihide Sekimoto, Open PFLOW: Creation and evaluation of an open dataset for typical people mass movement in urban areas, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Volume 85, Pages 249–267, December 2017.
If you have something to ask us about the dataset, please contact : ksym[at]
Web site: Sekimoto lab, Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo
If you use or find out our dataset useful, please cite our paper in your paper.
- id : unique agent id (int)
- time : YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm:ss(char[])
- longitude : SRID-4326(double)
- latitude: SRID-4326(double)
- transport: STAY-99, WALK-1, VEHICLE-2, TRAIN-3, BICYCLE-4(int)
All agents have the same magnification factor value (55.6).
Tokyo metropolitan area( file1 ,file2 ,file3 ,file4 ,file5 ,file6 ,file7 ,file8 ,file9 )
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People distribution visualized in a time series representation. Each dot represents a person.
Trips visualized in a time series representation. Each line represents a trip, and each color represents a movement status (green: train, orange: vehicle).