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Picker: Topaz

Seb Seager edited this page Apr 15, 2023 · 2 revisions


Topaz is available as a conda package. We used Python 3.6 for this installation.

The Topaz paper can be found here. Refer also to the GitHub repo, the web-based GUI for generating Topaz commands, and the tutorials included in the Topaz repo for more information. The following guide is drawn in part from these resources.


Create and activate a new conda environment (named topaz) with the required dependencies.

conda create -n topaz python=3.6
conda activate topaz

With the topaz environment active, install the Topaz package with its dependencies.

conda install topaz -c tbepler -c pytorch

If your machine/computing cluster does not already have a global installation of cudatoolkit available, it can be installed to the topaz environment, as follows.

conda install cudatoolkit=9.0 -c pytorch

Verify that the Topaz installation works by running topaz --help. If it does, you should see a help menu. If your shell returns something like topaz: command not found, you may need to deactivate and reactivate the environment.

conda deactivate topaz
conda activate topaz

If you see a traceback (error), however, you may also need to install the future package. Make sure you're in the topaz environment before doing so.

conda install future


The authors of Topaz provide several detailed tutorials in their repository—in particular, in their quick start guide and more detailed walkthrough. The following outlines broader usage examples and practices.

Start by collecting the micrograph files (*.mrc) to be picked in a directory (assuming they are not already available in their own directory). If you would like to use an existing public data set, our guide to the EMPIAR database may be helpful.

mkdir -p name_of_data_set/mrc
mv path/to/your_mrc_files/*.mrc name_of_data_set/mrc

Here we will use the micrographs located in demo_data/ as an example.


Create a Topaz output directory with subdirectories for micrograph preprocessing.

mkdir -p demo_data/topaz_out/processed/micrographs

We will now process the micrographs with the preprocess command (which combines downsample and normalize operations). This will downscale the micrographs by a specified multiplier, which is intended to help the neural network learn and converge more quickly. It is suggested in the detailed walkthrough that a downsampling multiplier should be chosen as follows:

We recommend downsampling your data enough that the diameter of your particle fits within the receptive field of the CNN architecture you are using ... as a rule of thumb, downsampling to about 4-8 Å per pixel generally works well, but this may need to be adjusted for very large or very small particles to fit the classifier

For reference, the training tab of the Topaz GUI provides the following classifier specifications:

Your particle must have a diameter (longest dimension) after downsampling of:

  • 70 pixels or less for resnet8
  • 30 pixels or less for conv31
  • 62 pixels or less for conv63
  • 126 pixels or less for conv127

For example, if the original micrograph resolution was 1.2 Å/pix, a downsampling factor of 5 would bring the preprocessed micrograph's resolution to 6 Å/pix. The preprocessing command would be as follows.

topaz preprocess -s 5 -o demo_data/topaz_out/processed/micrographs/ demo_data/mrc/*.mrc

Topaz has two primary picking strategies: using the pretrained general model, or training a new model (optionally initialized with pretrained weights).

Method 1: Use pretrained general model as-is

The extract command takes input and output paths, as well two numerical parameters. The -r parameter should be set to the radius of the particle you would like to pick. It is recommended that this be kept relatively small (as appropriate for your particle), as Topaz will not pick particles any closer than this to prevent multiple detections per particle. The -x parameter will upscale the resulting picks to the original micrograph, and should be the same as -s from topaz preprocess.

topaz extract -r 14 -x 5 -o demo_data/topaz_out/predicted_particles_all_upsampled.txt demo_data/topaz_out/processed/micrographs/*.mrc

Method 2: Train a model from scratch

In order to isolate training data, a subset of the micrographs (here, some train_1.mrc, train_2.mrc, etc. in demo_data/mrc/) should be placed into a separate directory (demo_data/train_mrc/). These images, along with some known particle coordinates for each (in demo_data/train_coord/), will be used to train the model. crYOLO matches an image to its corresponding coordinate file by comparing the filenames (e.g. demo_data/train_mrc/Falcon_2012_06_12-14_57_34_0.mrc and demo_data/train_coord/ would be paired).

mkdir demo_data/train_mrc demo_data/train_coord
mv demo_data/mrc/{train_1.mrc,train_2.mrc,train_3.mrc} demo_data/train_mrc/

To populate train_coord/, software like EMAN2's e2boxer may be used to generate coordinate files for the training micrographs. Topaz also provides an online graphical interface (located here, in the Pick | Analyze tab) which can be used to generate training coordinates. For the sake of example, the .star files located in demo_data/star can be used. Note that Topaz takes training coordinates as a single file of the following format (columns are separated by single \t tab characters):

image_name  x_coord y_coord
Falcon_2012_06_12-14_57_34_0    3822    3477
Falcon_2012_06_12-14_57_34_0    3810	3402

Topaz also supports conversion from other file formats using its topaz convert utility. We also provide a conversion utility at scripts/ that may be helpful.

Before training can proceed, the training coordinate files must be downscaled by the same factor used to downscale the micrographs. Assuming a downscaling factor of 6, and that your training data are available in demo_data/train_mrc/ and demo_data/train_coord/:

topaz convert -s 6 -o demo_data/topaz_out/processed/particles.txt demo_data/train_coord/particles.txt

We then make new directories for our new model.

mkdir -p demo_data/topaz_out/saved_models

Topaz training can then be run as follows, where -n represents the approximate number of particles expected per micrograph.

topaz train -n 400 --num-workers 8 \
            --train-images demo_data/topaz_out/processed/micrographs/ \
            --train-targets demo_data/topaz_out/processed/particles.txt \
            --save-prefix demo_data/topaz_out/saved_models/model \
            -o demo_data/topaz_out/saved_models/model_training.txt

See topaz train --help for more detailed explanations of the arguments.

This trained model can now be used to extract particles. In the following command, the -r parameter should be set to the radius of the particle you would like to pick. It is recommended that this be kept relatively small (as appropriate for your particle), as Topaz will not pick particles any closer than this to prevent multiple detections per particle. The -x parameter will upscale the resulting picks to the original micrograph, and should be the same as -s from topaz preprocess. The -m parameter should point to the last epoch of the model trained above.

topaz extract -r 14 -x 5 -m demo_data/topaz_out/saved_models/model_epoch10.sav \
              -o demo_data/topaz_out/predicted_particles_all_upsampled.txt \

Detection format conversion

Topaz provides a utility to convert the format of the extract output file, which can be used like so if needed (e.g. to convert from .txt to .star):

topaz convert -o demo_data/topaz_out/ demo_data/topaz_out/predicted_particles_all_upsampled.txt

We also provide a script at scripts/ that may be useful for coordinate file conversion.