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Multi-level Semantic Labelling of Numerical Values

Sebastian Neumaier, Jürgen Umbrich, Josiane Xavier Parreira, and Axel Polleres. In Proceedings of the 15th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2016), Kobe, Japan, October 2016. [ pdf ]

We apply a hierarchical clustering over information taken from DBpedia to build a background knowledge graph of possible “semantic contexts” for bags of numerical values, over which we perform a nearest neighbour search to rank the most likely candidates.


The total setup-time for all 50 properties in props.csv takes 15-30 minutes and ~20GB of RAM. In order to test the system without this extreme built time and requirements use only a small subset of properties with a lower number of corresponding subjects.

  • $ git clone
  • $ cd number_labelling
  • (optionally) setup virtual environment
  • $ virtualenv --system-site-packages labelling_env
  • $ . labelling_env/bin/activate
  • Install anycsv CSV parser
  • $ pip install git+git://
  • Install requirements
  • $ python install
  • Setup local files
  • $ tar -xzf local/common_types.tar.gz -C local
  • $ cat local/subjects.tar.gz.* | tar xzvf - -C local
  • Run API service
  • $ ./runner -h to show help
  • $ ./runner -c config.yaml to start the API service
  • Example curl request:
  • $ curl -X POST -F csv=@testfile/stadiums.csv http://localhost:8081/labelling?column=2