Proof of concept for a fast-paced multiplayer browser game optimized for mobile devices. I will build upon this idea if it proves to be enjoyable at its core - its core being a 1vs1 battler mini game, taking no longer than a minute.
If this is all that is needed to have fun, this has a great premise.
- 1vs1, players can click on items
- Just a few items to choose from, currently 3
- Items have a preperation cooldown as well as a cooldown after they triggered
- Due to this anticipation game, players can skillfully use items that will counter others
Currently only enough features to test the idea of the core design
- 'Battle Now!' button leading to an instantanous 1vs1 room
- Club: heavy & powerful
- Shield: protects from incoming attacks
- Dagger: fast & versatile
This section is mainly to keep my head dreaming.
- item variety
- NPCs - monsters to fight and loot
- a map to explore
- a leaderboard system to track the best players
server-side code can be found here
- Vue.js ~ frontend
- Pinia ~ state management
- Node.js ~ server-side JavaScript
- Express ~ serve static content, define routes, handle HTTP requests and responses
- ~ two-way server communication with client
- Nginx ~ reverse proxy, forwards the requests to the appropriate server
- Digital Ocean Droplet ~ hosting