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Learning Ruby (programming language)

I know a little bit about the Ruby programming language. This document will go over all of my knowledge of the Ruby programming language.

Hello World in Ruby

This is how you make a Hello World program in Ruby:

puts "Hello World"

Comments in Ruby

Single Line Comments in Ruby are identical to comments in Python, Perl, YAML, etc.

# This is a single line comment
# I don't know how to make multi-line comments in Ruby

Break keyword in Ruby


To this day, I am still not entirely sure what the break keyword does, but most languages support it.

/!\ This example has not been tested yet, and may not work

Ruby Shebang

Ruby supports the Shebang/hashpling. It is implemented like so:

puts "My Ruby program"
# End


A gemspec file (labeled with the .gemspec file extension is for classifying Ruby gems (Ruby programming language packages)

A gem is specified like so:

# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
require File.expand_path('', File.dirname(__FILE__)) do |gem|          = 'Seanpm2001 Life Archive project - Ruby knowledge database package'
  gem.version       = Learn_Ruby::VERSION          = Learn_Ryby::DATE
  gem.description   = %q{A repository for showcasing my knowledge of the Ruby programming language, and continuing to learn the language.}
  gem.summary       = %q{Learning the Ruby programming language}         = ['[email protected]']
  gem.homepage      = ''
  gem.license       = 'GPL3'
  gem.executables   = `git ls-files -- bin/*`.split("\n").map{ |f| File.basename(f) }
  gem.files         = `git ls-files`.split("\n")
  gem.authors       = `git log --pretty='format:%an' -- . ':!README*'|sort|uniq -c|sort -k2|sort -srnk1|sed -E 's/^ *[0-9]+ //'`.split("\n")

/!\ This example has not been tested yet, and may not work

Gem keyword

Ruby supports the Gem keyword. The following is an unverified example of its usage:

gem: "/SPM2001_Learn-Ruby_Gemspec.gemspec"

/!\ This example has not been tested yet, and may not work


A rakefile (either named RAKEFILE, containing the `` shebang, and/or having the .rake file extension) is a file that rakes Ruby Gems together.

#!/usr/bin/env rake
require "bundler/gem_tasks"

/!\ This example has not been tested yet, and may not work

Classes in Ruby

Classes can be defined in Ruby like so:

class myRubyClass():
    # Body
return myRubyClass()

The end keyword ends the class

/!\ This example has not been tested yet, and may not work

Return keyword in Ruby

A function or class can be returned in Ruby like so:

class myRubyClass():
    # Body
return myRubyClass()

/!\ This example has not been tested yet, and may not work

Functions in Ruby

Functions can be defined in Ruby like so

def myFunction():
    puts "MyFunction has functioned functionally"
return myFunction()

/!\ This example has not been tested yet, and may not work

Other knowledge of the Ruby programming language

  1. Ruby is a language by Japanese programmer Yukihiro Matsumoto, who commonly goes by Matz

  2. Ruby is not semicolon and curly bracket language

  3. Ruby uses the *.rb file extension commonly, but also uses the *.rbx and *.ruby file extensions

  4. Ruby also uses the *.gem and *.gemspec file extensions for Ruby scripts that define Ruby package source code

  5. Ruby also uses the *.rake file extensions for Ruby rakefiles.

  6. Ruby was first released in 1995

  7. A new major release of Ruby comes out every year on December 25th (commonly known as Christmas day)

  8. Ruby was influenced by Python, Ada, BASIC, C++, CLU, Dylan, Eiffel, Lisp, Lua, Perl, Python, and Smalltalk

  9. Ruby is one of the top 50 programming languages (as of 2022)

  10. Ruby can be used for desktop applications, but also can be used in webpages

  11. No other knowledge of the Ruby programming language

File info

File type: Markdown document (*.md *.mkd *.mdown *.markdown)

File version: 1 (2022, Monday, July 25th at 7:05 pm PST)

Line count (including blank lines and compiler line): 22-

File history

Click/tap here to expand/collapse the history for this file

Version 1 (2022, Monday, July 25th at 7:05 pm PST)


  • Started the file
  • Added the title section
  • Added the hello world in Ruby section
  • Added the comments in Ruby section
  • Added the break keyword in Ruby section
  • Added the Ruby shebang section
  • Added the Gemspec section
  • Added the Gem keyword section
  • Added the Rakefile section
  • Added the Classes in Ruby section
  • Added the Return keyword in Ruby section
  • Added the Functions in Ruby section
  • Added the other knowledge of the Ruby programming language section
  • Added the file info section
  • Added the file history section
  • No other changes in version 1