Principal Architect at ABBYY. Previously Software Engineer Manager at Ionic working on Ionic Framework and Stencil.
You can learn more about me on my personal site.
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Principal Architect at ABBYY. Previously Software Engineer Manager at Ionic working on Ionic Framework and Stencil.
You can learn more about me on my personal site.
You can reach me on social:
An Angular (4+) seed with Electron, Live-reload, AngularCLI, etc.
Ionic 8 Angular 18 Demo of routable transitions with a travel app.
NativeScript implementation of Flappy Bird (basic). Demonstrates how to build games in NativeScript.
Healthcare example application built with NativeScript Angular. NativeScript template to quickly prototype your own business idea.
An example task management NativeScript Angular app. Demonstrates ngrx effects, lazy-loading modules, offline storage and app branding.
Fitness dashboard prototype build with StencilJS.