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This is a Snakemake pipeline for analyzing unpaired fungal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences


To install, we assume you already have installed Miniconda3 (

  • Clone the repository:
git clone
  • Create a conda environment and install the required packages:
cd PCMP_ITS_pipeline
conda create -n PCMP_ITS_pipeline --channel bioconda --channel conda-forge --channel defaults python=3.9
conda install --name PCMP_ITS_pipeline --file requirements.txt
/anaconda/envs/venv_name/bin/pip install brocc #brocc needs to be installed through your environment's pip

Required input files for the pipeline

To run the pipeline, we need

  • De/Multiplexed Illumina reads

How to run

  • Create a project directory, e.g. /scr1/users/tuv/ITS_Run1
  • Copy the files from this repository into that directory
  • Edit config.yml so that it suits your project. In particular,
    • all: project_dir: Path to the project directory, e.g. "/scr1/users/tuv/ITS_Run1"
    • all: mux_dir: Directory containing multiplexed Illumina sequencing reads, which does not have to be in the project directory, e.g. "/path/to/mux_files"; if samples are already demultiplexed, just fill in demux_dir
    • all: demux_dir: Leave blank if want to demultiplex using this pipeline; otherwise, the directory containing demultiplexed R1/R2 read pairs, which does not have to be in the project directory
    • all: threads: Number of threads to use
    • all: mapping_file: Mapping file of samples with barcode information for demultiplexing
    • all: forward_direction: TRUE/FALSE for using forward/reverse read for this pipeline
    • demux: mismatch: Number of allowable basepair mismatches on barcode sequence for demultiplexing
    • demux: revcomp: If TRUE, reverse complement barcode sequence before demultiplexing
    • trim: f_primer: Sequence of forward primer used for ITS PCR
    • trim: r_primer: Sequence of reverse primer used for ITS PCR
    • trim: mismatch: Number of allowable basepair mismatches on ITS PCR primers for trimming
    • trim: min_length: Minimum length of match during the partial matching stage
    • trim: align_id: Minimum percent identity to consider a primer match in vsearch alignment
    • otu: expected_error: Threshold for truncating reads
    • otu: otu_id: Percent sequence identity for clustering reads into OTUs
    • otu: threads: Number of threads to use
    • otu: chimera_db: Path to UCHIME reference dataset for chimera detection (see; leave blank if using mock DNA amplified with chimera primers
    • blastn: ncbi_db: Path to a local ncbi nt database
  • To run the pipeline, activate the environment by entering conda activate PCMP_ITS_pipeline, cd into the project directory and execute:
snakemake \
    --configfile path/to/config.yml \
    --keep-going \
    --latency-wait 90 \
  • When submitting jobs using slurm, you may run sbatch run_snakemake.bash config.yml
  • You can use the skeleton.Rmd to create a basic bioinformatic report from the results

Notes on BROCC may be used to install a local taxonomy db for faster processing



Input: Multiplexed Illumina sequencing files
Output: manifest.csv, total_read_counts.tsv, demultiplexed fastq files

Primer trimming

Removes ITS forward and reverse primer sequences from reads
Output: reads/(reads.log, top_{rf}_seqs_trimmed.txt, {rf}_trimmed_removed_counts.txt)

OTU clustering

Create OTUs from amplicons using vsearch. Singletons are discarded for creating the OTUs, but used for the counts.
Rules are based on this wiki: (
Output: otu/otu_sorted.tsv


Determine the taxonomic assignments of the OTUs by through a consensus based BLAST result (
Output: BLAST_BROCC_output/out_brocc/brocc.log


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  • Python 73.6%
  • Shell 26.4%