To create a request object call auto request = Request::Parse(request)
. Other functions return information on the parsed request.
static std::unique_ptr<Request> Parse(const std::string& raw_request);
std::string raw_request() const;
std::string method() const;
std::string uri() const;
std::string version() const;
using Headers = std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>;
Headers headers() const;
std::string body() const;
The response class defines response codes and simple functions to set status, headers, and body of response which can be outputted in ToString()
enum ResponseCode {
OK = 200,
NOT_FOUND = 404,
void SetStatus(const ResponseCode response_code);
void AddHeader(const std::string& header_name, const std::string& header_value);
void SetBody(const std::string& body);
std::string ToString();
enum Status {
OK = 0,
virtual Status Init(const std::string& uri_prefix, const NginxConfig& config) = 0;
virtual Status HandleRequest(const Request& request, Response* response) = 0;
static RequestHandler* CreateByName(const char* type);
initializes the handler. Theuri_prefix
is the value in the config file specified for the current handler. The config must be the child block for this handler ONLY.HandleRequest
handles an HTTP request, and generates a response.- Use
to generate a pointer to the handler specified in the argument ( handler = RequestHandler::CreateByName("EchoHandler")
Gives the same request back to server.
Returns specified file to the server. get_content_type
returns the type of file based on the extension. get_file
attempts to open file and returns a corresponding response code. Both functions are called in HandleRequest
std::string get_content_type(const std::string &filename);
Response::ResponseCode get_file(const std::string& file_path, std::string* contents);
Returns a 404 response.
parses the config file while load_configs
and stores all the information. Any errors during parsing will result in syntax_error
. add_handler
initializes the specified handler and stores the handler pointer in a handler map (prefix -> handler).
bool parse_config(const char* file_name);
bool load_configs(NginxConfig config);
bool syntax_error(std::shared_ptr<NginxConfigStatement> parent_statement);
bool add_handler(std::string attribute, NginxConfig child_config, const char* handler_name);
calls find_prefix
which will return the longest matching uri prefix if it exists. Then get_handler
goes through the handler map and returns the corresponding handler pointer. get_port
returns the port number.
virtual RequestHandler* get_handler(std::string uri);
std::string find_prefix(std::string uri);
unsigned short get_port();
Main calls run_server
which calls session
internally, creating a socket and accepting requests. Most dispatch is handled in session
void run_server(boost::asio::io_service& io_service);
void session(boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket sock);
bool parse_config(const char* file_name)
parses config file.
- Ignore comments
- Save the port number
- For each handler block:
- Parse first line
RequestHandler* handler = RequestHandler::CreatebyName(<handler_name>)
handler->Init(uri, child_block)
- Put handler into map (uri -> handler). Duplicate paths are illegal.
void run_server(boost::asio::io_service& io_service)
creates socket and calls void session(boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket sock)
void session(boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket sock)
- Read request from the socket
- Parse into Request class with
- Call
which will return appropriate handler handler->HandleRequest(*request, &response)
- Write response to socket
Specify a handler for each block. If there is no root folder, leave the block empty.
port <number>;
#specify uri for each type of handler
path /<uri> <handler-name> {
root /<directory>;
#specify a default handler if no handler matches
default <handler-name>{
make Webserver
./Webserver <config-file>
make test //runs integration test
make coverage //runs all unit tests
The database handler requires a MySQL server installed and mysqlclient and mysqlcppconn libraries. These can be installed with
sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client libmysqlclient-dev libmysqlcppconn-dev
The directory containing mysqld needs to be added to the $PATH variable to run thr server.