msgpack-cpp is a tiny, headers-only MsgPack library for C++11, providing MsgPack parsing and serialization.
Main goals are simplicity and performance.
git clone
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make && make install
msgpack::packer p;
p << 10 << 20 << 30 << "test"
msgpack::unpacker u { p.get_buffer() };
int i1, i2, i3;
string s;
u >> i1 >> i2 >> i3 >> s;
packer p;
vector<int8_t> v_in{ 1, 2, 3, 4, -5 };
p << v_in;
unpacker u{ p.get_buffer() };
vector<int8_t> v_out;
u >> v_out;
packer p;
map<int, int> m = {{ 1, 10 },
{ 2, 20 },
{ 3, 30 }};
p << m;
unpacker u{ p.get_buffer() };
map<int, int> m_out;
u >> m_out;
- serialization and deserialization of integers, floats, doubles and strings.
- serialization and deserialization of arrays of integers, floats, doubles and strings.
- serialization and deserialization of maps of integers, floats, doubles and strings.
- external data
This software is released under the MIT License, see LICENSE