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Repository files navigation

PLEASE create pull-requests if you had to do something differently. It's as easy as selecting the file in github and clicking on the pencil button in the top right corner, so there really is no excuse!


From the wiki

$ wget -qO- | sudo apt-key add -
$ sudo apt-add-repository
$ sudo apt-get update

Need to remove this because some auto-dependency stuff doesn't work:

$ sudo apt-get autoremove --purge libqwt-dev

Then, install ALL the things:

$ sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-strands-robot
$ sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-openni-wrapper
$ sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-scitos-bringup

TODO: remove these soon (will be in strands-robot)


Stuff installed via apt-get goes to /opt/ros/hydro. To see which files a package installed, run dpkg -L package-name. Nodes (i.e. an executable file or python script) are usually installed into /opt/ros/hydro/lib/PACKAGE_NAME/ and launchfiles into /opt/ros/hydro/share/PACKAGE_NAME.

Stuff which you're working on should reside in an ~/overlay in your home directory.

For finding the github repo which a ROS package resides in, look at this file.

If you want to search for code, I've cloned ALL the repos into ~strands/ALL_THE_FUCKING_STRANDS, to update it from time to time using my ninja-foo'd find ~strands/ALL_THE_FUCKING_STRANDS -type d -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -exec git --git-dir={}/.git --work-tree={} pull origin master \;



Besides the networking specified further down, configure the side-pc's just like the main one, with the addition of installing nvidia drivers.

If you want to be able to hotplug a screen on their GPU, you also need to run the following once:

$ sudo nvidia-xconfig --allow-empty-initial-configuration

Now whenever you want to start something that needs OpenGL/CUDA remotely, make sure to:

  1. Not specify the -X or -Y flag to any ssh command, and
  2. Prefix the command you want to run with DISPLAY=:0.0, e.g. DISPLAY=:0.0 roslaunch my_gpu_computing node_is_awesome.launch.


The clocks of the side-pcs need to stay in sync with that of the main pc, or ROS will get mad. This can be done using the chrony tool.

First, on the main PC:

$ sudo apt-get autoremove --purge ntpdate
$ sudo apt-get install chrony

Then, on each of the side-pcs:

$ sudo ntpdate karl
$ sudo apt-get autoremove --purge ntpdate
$ sudo apt-get install chrony

Then, replace the servers in /etc/chrony/chrony.conf by:

server karl minpoll 0 maxpoll 5 maxdelay .05

(I took that from the PR2 manuals, may need to tweak.)

And restart chrony with sudo /etc/init.d/chrony restart.


We bought a switch (Netgear GS108), connected the on-board pc (karl) and the side-pcs (amsterdam and bruxelles) to it, as well as the two AVT manta cameras.

  1. Get karl connected to the internet via wifi.
  2. In karl's NetworkManager, choose the interface which is connected (eth0 or eth1) and, in the IPv4 Settings tab, choose Shared to other computers.
  3. Click on Connection Information in the NetworkManager, note that connection's IP Address and Subnet Mask.
  4. On both the side-pcs, set the IPv4 Settings to Manual, choose an IP in the same subnet as karl, the same Netmask, and use aforenoted IP Address as both Gateway and DNS servers.
  5. For reasons unbeknownst to me, you can access the side-pcs by their name suffixed with .local, e.g. bruxelles.local. When using the <machine> tag, ROS doesn't like that, thus you need to add an entry for each of the side pcs to karl's /etc/hosts file.
  6. Make sure there's passwordless ssh from karl to both sidepcs by creating a passwordless keypair for karl and push the public key to the side-pcs. See google.
  7. Add the side-pcs to your known_hosts file: ssh-keyscan bruxelles.local >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts.

If you launch anything remotely, make sure ROS_MASTER_URI is set on the launching pc.

Firmware update


We are having the same problems still with the new driving firmware. In particular, the current minimum rotational velocity is too high and max rotational acceleration is too low, but there are other problems still, seems to be related to acceleration. In other words, upgrading the firmware seems to require tuning these parameters. Me and @RaresAmbrus are trying to find a good configuration. Might be of interest to @BFALacerda @lucasb-eyer


Need to create an empty directory located at /opt/strands/mongodb_store to which the strands user has write permissions:

$ sudo mkdir -p /opt/strands/mongodb_store
$ sudo chown -R strands:strands /opt/strands/
$ sudo chmod g+w /opt/strands/

Then, you can launch the mongodb_store passing that as a parameter, or put it in your launchfile.

$ roslaunch mongodb_store mongodb_store.launch db_path:=/opt/strands/mongodb_store

First, let it run, even if it complains. It needs some time to initialize (pre-allocate disk space) and will connect once the initialization is done.


We still need to have the MIRA license that were shipped with the robot located in /opt/MIRA-licenses. Then add the following to your ~/.bashrc.

export MIRA_PATH=/opt/mira-scitos


  • /etc/udev/rules.d/72-persistent-can.rules

    KERNEL=="ttyUSB?", ENV{ID_VENDOR}=="MetraLabs_GmbH", ENV{ID_MODEL}=="SCITOS_MCU", ENV{MINOR}=="2", SYMLINK+="can"
  • /etc/udev/rules.d/72-persistent-laser.rules

    KERNEL=="ttyUSB?", ENV{ID_VENDOR}=="MetraLabs_GmbH", ENV{ID_MODEL}=="SCITOS_MCU", ENV{MINOR}=="0", SYMLINK+="laser"
  • /etc/udev/rules.d/73-persistent-joystick.rules

    KERNEL=="js?", ENV{ID_VENDOR}=="Logitech", ENV{ID_MODEL}=="Wireless_Gamepad_F710", SYMLINK+="input/rumblepad"

Also the following needs to done to ensure you can actually access the laser and can devices:

sudo adduser strands dialout

Repeat this for every user that wants to start the strands system.

Moving the PTU

Needs the flir_pantilt_d46/ptu46.launch launchfile running. Then, on the commandline, control via:

rostopic pub --once /ptu/cmd sensor_msgs/JointState "header:
  seq: 0
  stamp: {secs: 0, nsecs: 0}
  frame_id: ''
name: ['tilt', 'pan']
position: [1, 0.5]
velocity: [0.6, 0.6]
effort: [1, 1]" 

Pressing <tab> after the message type helps.

TODO: Look into joint_state_publisher.


Reboot the side-pcs to enter their BIOS. There, in the advanced USB settings, set xHCI to Disabled.

The karl_cams.launch file takes care of starting the necessary stuff (openni_wrapper/main.launch) on each of the side-pcs.

If there is an error message about escalating to SIGTERM when stopping this launchfile, you'll have to run rosnode cleanup before launching it again if you don't want to wreak havok.

If there is no publication on the chest's cam, you need to stop the launchfile, physically plug out and back in the xtion and start the launchfile again. TODO: debug this. wtf? We have the same problem in SPENCER.


TODO: remove these soon (will be in strands-robot)

$ sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-topological-utils


For creating a map just follow the standard ROS map creation tutorial.

If such is your wish, you can crop the map, but don't forget to adapt the YAML file accordingly, specifically the origin entry using the m = pixels * resolution formula.


Instructions are in the, but do roslaunch scitos_docking charging_mux.launch first.

(TODO: Move the ~/.charging.yaml file to /opt/strands? Need to DI the param tho.)

Obstacle/Holes avoidance

First, calibrate the chest camera by following this Basically, it's just rosrun calibrate_chest calibrate_chest when almost only the floor is visible in the chest cam. Have the datacentre running for storing the calibration in there. It will open a viewer-window showing the "ground plane" and an axis for the camera. Close it.


That's any kind of "holes" in the ground, like stairs. Those are detected mainly by strands_movebase/mirror_floor_points, which is launched by move_base and publishes a pointcloud at /move_base/points_cliff.


Anything seen by the chest_xtion and higher than 5cm above the ground becomes an obstacle, which is added to the /move_base/local_costmap/costmap by whom? remove_edges_cloud? The output pointcloud /move_base/points_obstacle also always seems to contain anything? TODO.

Monitored Navigation

It's being launched by strands_navigation.launch through strands_recovery_behaviours/strands_monitored_nav.launch and that should be all that's needed for strands.


to have these helpers you need to do roslaunch strands_ui strands_ui.launch It's waiting for "a node that sets the main page for the webserver. I dont know which one will be doing it in the marathon system" @BFALacera

For details, again, see the, with this default yaml file.

Topological Navigation

In a topological map, nodes are locations (pose) on the corresponding metric map along with influence areas (verts) around them. Nodes are connected by edges which hold an action which defines how the robot "walks" that edge, being move_base for regular moving and doorPassing for, well, passing doors.

Creating a Topological Map

TODO Jaime wanted to write a about it.

For option 3 with Rviz, which is still missing from the README:

Create an empty topological map in the mongodb, the first name is the name of the new topological map, the second one is (currently unused) the name of the metric map it's based on:

$ roslaunch topological_utils empty_topological_map.launch map:=umic_1st_floor

The map is not really empty, as it contains the Station and ChargingPoint nodes. The latter is placed at the origin of the map and the former (Station) 1.2m left to it. You can edit nodes in rviz via the /umic_1st_floor_add_rm_node/update and /umic_1st_floor_markers/update topics. The former is for adding new nodes by driving the robot there and then clicking on the green box, while the second one is to move and turn existing nodes. For each door, you need one node on each side of the door, right in front of it and facing it. These need to be connected by a bidirectional doorPassing edge.

At creation time, a bidirectional edge will be created between two nodes if the distance between them is lower than a certain threshold. You can remove edges by clicking on them in rviz in the /umic_1st_floor_edges/update topic, but I don't know of a way to add edges in rviz. So your best bet is exporting the map to a file, edit that file, clear the mongodb and reimport the file:

$ rosrun topological_utils umic_1st_floor /opt/strands/maps/umic_1st_floor.tplg
$ mongo localhost:62345/message_store
> db.topological_maps.remove({map: "umic_1st_floor"})
$ rosrun topological_utils /opt/strands/maps/umic_1st_floor.tmap umic_1st_floor umic_1st_floor

Whenever you change the map in mongodb, you need to ask for it to be republished by running rosrun topological_utils, though see strands-project/strands_navigation#139

Finally, you can change the influence zones with /umic_1st_floor_zones/update.

Topological Navigation

The important stuff is being started by strands_navigation.launch. This implies all debugging output concerning navigation is to be found there. BUT for now, you need to roslaunch strands_ui strands_ui.launch first, because it defines recovery behaviour which is a hard dependency of monitored_navigation which in turn is a hard dependency of topological_navigation.

TODO For starting the new (better?) door-passing behavior, do rosrun door_pass after the navigation.

To send the robot to a topological node, rosrun topological_navigation NodeName should do, and it will only exit when the node is reached or the robot gave up.

Debugging navigation

  • Sending a 2D Nav Goal in rviz will use the move_base and thus bypass the topological navigation. This can be used to test if movement works at all.

Perception People

Very basic command to start it:

$ ROS_MASTER_URI=http://karl:11311 roslaunch perception_people_launch people_tracker_robot.launch  gh_queue_size:=11 vo_queue_size:=22 ubd_queue_size:=33 pt_queue_size:=44 load_params_from_file:=true

Mainly this comes from the readdme

The people_tracker needs apt-get install ros-indigo-leg-detector.

Task Scheduling


BUT, i do have a new schedule routine to get your robots patrolling: sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-routine-behaviours rosrun routine_behaviours This should bring back the routine stuff for charging etc that we had int he deployments (assuming everything up to and including top nav is running)

@jailander: how continous is continous patrolling Linda visits all the nodes once and then goes to the node next to the charging station and stays there saying I need a task and nothing happens @hawesie: Which script are you running? @jailander: roslaunch task_executor continuous-patrolling.launch @hawesie: Weird. That one shouldn't do idle stuff or return to the charger. Have you tried the other one I posted?

sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-routine-behaviours
rosrun routine_behaviours

Either way the continuous patrolling one is a bit of a hack anyway, and I thought it should run badly but indefinitely,. Ok, I'll try that With that the robot should run a patrol then if it gets idle it should pick a random node to visit. You also need to run the roslaunch task_executor task-scheduler.launch


They are generally created as javascript-powered webpages that can call ROS things through a websocket. See the for how to create some.


See the for how to set voices and language.

Marathon 2014 GUI:

Largely undecided. @cdondrup created a nice one for the museum. There's the one from last year and @marc-hanheide is working on one which is served at http://localhost:9091/.

3D Room Mapping

$ sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-cloud-merge
$ ROS_MASTER_URI=http://karl:11311 roslaunch cloud_merge mapping.launch
$ ROS_MASTER_URI=http://karl:11311 roslaunch scitos_ptu ptu_action_server_metric_map.launch

Recording video streams


Needs to be built from source for now:

$ sudo apt-get install yasm
$ git clone
$ sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-mongodb-log
$ ROS_MASTER_URI=http://karl:11311 roslaunch mongodb_openni_compression record_server.launch

Compressed and into the mongodb:

$ sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-mongodb-openni-compression

For the cool

TODO: Mainly @cdondrup stuff.

  • ros-hydro-strands-visualise-speech (blink LEDs when talking.)
  • The look at people thing


I do @PDuckworth. I guess starting it with load_params_from_file:=true will fix your issue This is due to me misunderstanding on how the datacentre will be set-up and used in the project. Sorry. Will be fixed at some point Please also make sure to run it with log:=true as well to save the stuff to your datacentre

roslaunch perception_people_launch people_tracker_robot.launch load_params_from_file:=true log:=true

Marathon mileage reporting

Configured in ~/.marathon_auth.

$ rosrun marathon_reporter


@cburbridge: should i put python package dependencies in a package.xml file? If so, what format. For example, I need python-requests as a runtime where do i lookup what to put?

@marc-hanheide: check out rosdep db | grep YOUR_PACKAGE you need to put the rosdep key not the package itself

thanks, i think that is what i have always done wrong

if it doesn’t exist, add it to if it doesn’t exist as a ubuntu package at all, we need to create one for it


Stuff to get @KarlTheRobot up and running!







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  • Shell 53.0%
  • Python 46.3%
  • CMake 0.7%