Non-typical Maven usage infrastructure and projects
- Docker (tested with 17.12.0-ce)
- Docker Compose (tested with 1.12.0)
Start the containers from the project folder:
docker-compose up -d nexus
If you are running the containers in the first time, it is worth to create a hosted PyPi repo. You may do it using the following command:
docker-compose exec nexus /tmp/
If you want to reproduce clean Nexus start after is has been initialized, use the following command:
docker-compose down -v nexus
To get the Nexus 3 HTTP port, mapped to the localhost use the command:
docker-compose port nexus 8081
Then target your browser to the printed port. Username/password - admin/admin123.
To run one-off scripts and manual scenarios the repo-client
image should be built.
For manual commands start the Bash inside the Docker container:
docker-compose run --rm repo-client bash
Deploy the parent and archetype projects to Nexus 3 Maven repo:
docker-compose run --rm repo-client mvn -f /root/projects/parent/pom.xml deploy
docker-compose run --rm repo-client mvn -f /root/projects/python-parent/pom.xml deploy
docker-compose run --rm repo-client mvn -f /root/projects/python-archetype/pom.xml deploy
Deploy the Java Hello World application to Nexus 3 Maven repo:
docker-compose run --rm repo-client mvn -f /root/projects/java-hello/pom.xml deploy
Create a Maven-wrapped Python project from the archetype:
docker-compose run --rm repo-client sh -c "cd /root/projects; mvn archetype:generate \
-DarchetypeGroupId=com.griddynamics.techtalk \
-DarchetypeArtifactId=python-archetype \
-DarchetypeVersion=0.0.1 \
-DgroupId=com.griddynamics.techtalk \
-DartifactId=mypython \
-Dversion=1.0-SNAPSHOT \
Move the project files to archetype-based skeleton:
docker-compose run --rm repo-client rm -rf /root/projects/mypython/src/main/python
docker-compose run --rm repo-client cp -r /root/projects/python-hello /root/projects/mypython/src/main/python
Deploy the Maven-wrapped Python project:
docker-compose run --rm repo-client mvn -f /root/projects/mypython/pom.xml clean package deploy
Run the complex project:
docker-compose run --rm repo-client mvn -f /root/projects/complex-hello/pom.xml clean install
Or local scenario to run inside the container without deployment of artifacts (for development purposes):
docker-compose run --rm repo-client bash
cd /root/projects
rm -rf /root/projects/mypython
mvn -f /root/projects/parent/pom.xml clean install
mvn -f /root/projects/python-parent/pom.xml clean install
mvn -f /root/projects/python-archetype/pom.xml clean install
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=com.griddynamics.techtalk \
-DarchetypeArtifactId=python-archetype \
-DarchetypeVersion=0.0.1 \
-DgroupId=com.griddynamics.techtalk \
-DartifactId=mypython \
-Dversion=1.0-SNAPSHOT \
cd /root/projects/mypython
mvn deploy