Ponyscript is a high-level programming language inspired by the popular TV series "Friendship is Magic". It is designed to provide simplicity and convenience in coding, offering developers a clear and concise syntax.
Friendly Syntax: Ponyscript offers a clean and intuitive syntax, making coding more enjoyable and efficient.
Compilation to C++: Ponyscript concepts compile into optimized C++ code, ensuring high performance and execution efficiency.
Ease of Use: With its straightforward and understandable syntax, Ponyscript makes software development more efficient and enjoyable.
Ponyscript comes with its own compiler, enabling easy transformation of Ponyscript code into executable C++ files ready to run on the target platform.
int magic(int argc, char *argv[])
string a = "Hello Equestria";
- Clone the Ponyscript repository.
- Run the Ponyscript compiler, specifying the Ponyscript code file as input.
- The resulting executable file can be run on your platform.
You can support the Ponyscript project by making a donation here.
We welcome community contributions to the development of Ponyscript. If you have ideas, suggestions, or find any issues, please create a new issue or send us a pull request.
Ponyscript is distributed under the MIT License. For detailed information about the license, please refer to the LICENSE
file in this repository.